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    assassiniv #7232
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  1. assassiniv


    Kruv was born to Tsnon and and Tered who were both farmers and part of “The church of the Canon”. He grew up next to Helena, the capital of the empire and spent his youth helping his parents in the farm. His father died when he was 23 and his mother died when he was 26 and with both of his parents dead, and him having no other known relatives, Kruv sold his farm and most of his stuff. Gaining a small amount of wealth, he decided to try and be a merchant, traveling throughout the empire, from Ves to Vintas and selling stuff he bought in other places. Sadly enough, he was robbed by bandits and almost all of his wealth, which led him to look for a new job. Trying to work as a blacksmith assistance ended when he accidentally burnt part of the workshop and got scars on his arms and chest. After that he became a lumberjack. His large body, strength and stamina suited his new job and he settled down in a small hut next to a forest. From that point on Kruv lived simple yet boring life of chopping woods, getting drunk at the pub. However, Kruv grew tired of this, and at the age of 32, he decided to try and do something different, joining the mercenary group known as Ashen Sigil.
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