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Deleted Userr

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Posts posted by Deleted Userr

  1. explore_zps4lmfe1ln.png

    Edited: 20th of April, 2017.

    Introduction and Mission Statement:


    First Glance at The Explorers' League:

    The Explorers' League, also known as Explorers' Guild, League of Explorer’s or simply the League, is an up-and-coming globe-trotting, adventure-seeking, treasure-hunting organization dedicated to plumbing the secrets of the ancient world and aiding in any and all expeditions. The League's main base of operations is to be located in the Hall of Explorers in Kal’Omith, location to be decided upon. The League is directed and created by High Explorer Tonya Hildebrandt and under mandate from King Bastion Ireheart.

    The first expeditions were led by hardy Dwarven prospectors accustomed to long treks in unforgiving territory. As they taught their skills to the new generation of journeymen, a new breed of Dwarven traveler emerged. These travelers appointed themselves the task of gathering as much information as possible about the world, its history, and its cultures in hopes of cataloging the truth for the posterity of their race. Though they often still called themselves “prospectors”, they gathered together under the banner of their true calling: explorers. The Explorers’ League seeks to proceed the failed Adventurer’s Guild, leading the currently scattered prospectors, adventurers, historians and brave mercenaries of the North in a unified organization. In addition to the cultural and geographic intelligence it gathers, information provided by the Guild may assist in both military operation and locating resources to fund government operations. Unlike the Dwarven prospectors of old, the Explorers’ League accepts members of all races and cultures with a passion for wanderlust into their ranks, viewing diversity as a positive aspect to a guild so rooted in exploring the vast world.


    (The Explorers' League is a work in progress, awaiting approval from King Bastion Ireheart, leaving this page liable to future changes and amendments. If it seems to be lacking in detail or substance, such will be corrected upon acceptance and establishment of a guild hall within Kal'Omith.)




    New members of the Explorers' Guild spend their early days honing their skills close to home, guiding travelers through the peaks and passes of Tahn and leading supply expeditions for the Dwarven kingdoms. Once they’ve proved themselves, these “prospectors” are upgraded to “journeyman” status and given their first field missions by the Guild. Often, these missions involve traveling to remote but previously visited locales in order to update the Guild’s library with news of current events in the area. Eventually, the journeymen are upgraded to full Explorer status and given carte blanche to travel where they will with full Guild support, provided that they produce regular reports on their excursions.

    The Dwarven king is the official master of the Explorer’s Guild, though the title is mostly honorary — it is incredibly unlikely any king would file a report in the Archives. The daily operation of the Guild is overseen by the Excursion Council, made up of quite a few of the oldest and most experienced members of the Guild. The younger members of the Guild have nicknamed this group the “Excuse Me Council,” as many of the Council are constantly leaving behind their duties to set off on their own self-assigned journeys. Yet so long as a small fraction of the Council remains in Kal’Omith to coordinate outgoing and incoming Guild expeditions, the organization continues to run smoothly.

    Though the official Hall of Explorers is yet to be designated to a specific area, the base of operations will be located within the Dwarven capital of Kal’Omith. Smaller guildhalls, called “way stations”, are to be established in far-flung corners of Tahn, likely in the back rooms of inns or taverns along well-traveled routes to distant parts of the continent. Though they will still vary in the level of service they can offer, some way stations may provide detailed maps of the local area while others stockpile supplies of dried foods and basic traveling necessities that can be drawn upon by Guild members (who are expected to pay for their withdrawals of Guild property whenever possible).


    It is anticipated that the overwhelming majority of members in the Explorer’s Guild are Dwarves, simply because of the Hall of Explorers location. That being said, the Guild is open to any and all members of other races, particularly after providing exemplary service to the Guild on several official expeditions. A red torch burning at the entrance to the Guildhall in Kal’Omith marks the rare occasions when the Guild is accepting new applicants, a call that may be answered by any who can demonstrate the requisite skill with languages and a broad base of geographic and historical knowledge. For each opening, a maximum of twenty top potentials are selected and taken into the mountains of northern Tahn by one of the Excursion Council. What follows is an intensive three-week trial that tests not only the potentials’ physical ability and stamina but also a wide range of skills from map making and tracking to herbalism and mineral location. At the end of the test period, the applicants who come out on top are inducted into the Guild and officially allowed to call themselves prospectors.


    Membership in the Guild is selective, as the Guild stores will completely outfit any official expedition with supplies and equipment — though the quartermasters are notoriously stingy when arguing the definition of “completely outfit”. Guild members may also receive a monetary reward from the Guild for exemplary service, particularly when on a sanctioned expedition. All Guild members can also make their home at the Guildhall in Kal’Omith, though when all the private quarters are taken up by higher ranking members of the Guild (as during the annual Convocation, when the Guild gathers to share stories and plan expeditions for the coming year), even full-fledged explorers can find themselves sleeping in the fifth slot up in the bunkhouse. Guild members come from all walks of life, their skills contributing to the goals of the Guild and the Dwarven people. For some, however, exploration becomes more than a profession — it becomes an avocation and a passion. The members of the Explorers' League are not expected to remain at the Hall of Explorers, and may be dispatched to various key digsites and expeditions.

    Ranks, Jobs and Titles:

    The following League ranks are marked from lowest to highest, with the exclusion of profession ranks and titles for those outside of 'official' Guild jurisdiction.

    inv_misc_map09.jpg  Official Guild Ranks

    • Prospector: Prospector is the ranking that recruits earn immediately upon an completion of the probationary period. As mentioned throughout the reading, those of Prospector rank are only to perform Guild duties within relatively close proximity to the Hall of Explorers while honing their skills, until graduating to Journeyman rank after approval from the Excursion Council. Prospectors function as Guild trainees, and are a vital part of Guild function, serving as apprentice guides, rangers, and expeditionary staff around the Kal'Omith mountain range, working under the command of higher ranking Guild members; without the constant hard work from Guild hopefuls such as Prospectors, very little would be accomplished. Prospectors are often assigned more safe and supervised orders, such as leading a supply caravan, guiding local travelers or studying relevant skills.


    • Journeyman: Journeyman ranking allows a Guild member to given official field missions to lands outside of Kal'Omith's mountain range, under the supervision and order of a higher ranking Guild official. Often times, these expeditions are to locations previously visited by Guild explorers in order to update archives, check on the local ecology or to establish a camp for reasons such a archaeological digsite. Journeymen are allowed to enjoy the pleasures of an expedition without the responsibility of leading it, acting as an Explorer's loyal crew and apprentice while in the field. Those of Journeymen rank are encouraged to begin pursuing a specialized field of work to prepare for evaluation from the Excursion Council.


    • Explorer: Subsequent to graduating from Journeyman rank, a Guild member will be offered the ranking of Explorer, as well as the opportunity to specialize their Guild title according to their profession skill. A member of the Explorer rank will be granted full capabilities as a Guild member, including permissions to travel freely with Guild support, request supplies from Supply Quartermasters, and arrange expeditions of their own under acceptance by the Excursion Council (given they produce regular reports of their excursions to be delivered to the Hall of Explorers). Any Guild member should be proud to obtain Explorer rank, as it's what they've been striving towards since joining as Prospectors; that being said, an Explorer may take on any other number of responsibilities (such as profession ranks and archive duties) if they crave more. Those of Explorer rank are encouraged to continue honing their skills to remain in peak condition.


    • High Explorer (Excursion Council): The Excursion Council are the designated Guild leaders of the Explorers' League, overseeing any and all operations and having complete jurisdiction over all other members, (except the Dwarven King, of course). The Council may consist of a maximum of ten Guild members of High Explorer ranking, held only by founders and Guild veterans or those who have exceeded Guild expectations and deserve unique recognition. High Explorers and members of the Excursion Council act as complete overseers of the Guild, capable of arranging events, dispatching Guild personnel to way stations or expeditions, as well as any other number of tasks the Guild may require. The Excursion Council has a reputation for occasionally neglecting their duties to pursue field work, but so long as some members remain in Kal'Omith, Guild functions are capable of being made as usual. During large or significant decision or council, the Excursion Council will discuss and vote upon decisions.


    inv_inscription_tradeskill01.jpg  Archive and Records 

    • Librarian/Scribe/Archivist: Explorers bring back extensive documents of research, cartography and reports; without the tireless work of Librarians, Scribes and Archivists, the cataloging and preserving of information that the League of Explorers is known for would be an absolute disaster. Members of these ranks are the backbone of the Guild, keeping the organization a tightly run machine that allows swift referencing and the safety of texts, artifacts and knowledge that would otherwise be destroyed by the tests of time. Though members of this rank are often located within the Hall of Explorers in Kal'Omith, it is not unusual for them to accompany an expedition to sites such as archaeological digs or research camps, where their documentation skills are vital.


    • Historian/Cartographer/Linguists: Though Librarians, Scribes and Archivists organize the texts and catalog what the Explorers return from their expeditions, Historians, Cartographers and Linguists hold these acquired knowledge within their intellectual capabilities. Brilliant minds and experienced in their fields, these rankings are able to provide Guild members with knowledge relevant to their skill set (perhaps a Linguist may help translate Orcish or ancient text), as well as accompanying expeditions to lend their textbook know-how in the thick of it. Members of these titles can save vast amounts of time that would normally be spent on research and can provide imperative analysis that may uncover hidden clues and information.

    garrison_building_storehouse.jpg  Quartermaster and Supplies

    • Ration Chef (Chef/Fisher): Any expedition that doesn't want their crew emaciated at the bottom of some canyon requires rations. Ration Chefs are the League's answer to Explorer's hunger, providing Guild missions with the fuel they need to survive in the field. Members of this ranking are expected to cook, prepare and safely store rations for Guild expeditions, way stations or just general feeding of the troops. Ration Chefs should work closely with a Supply Quartermaster to acquire ingredients they may not have, as well as to allow the Quartermaster to catalog ration inventory. Ration Chefs may sell their goods on the side, but should not use Guild materials to do so. 

    (Requires rank of Apprentice or higher in one or more of the listed professions to apply.)


    • Guild Armorer (Blacksmith/Leatherworker): Every competent Explorer knows the dangers of expedition. Whether it be the armed traps of an ancient temple or the crude arrow of an Orcish bandit, it is imperative to any and all Guild work that the. Guild Armorers are expected to assist Supply Quartermasters by constructing both heavy and light armors to keep League members in one singular, non-perforated piece. Guild Armorers may sell their goods on the side, but should not use Guild materials to do so. 

    (Requires rank of Apprentice or higher in one or more of the listed professions to apply.)


    • Guild Engineer (Tinker/Enchanter): Survival gear such as rope, nets and compasses are a recommended part of any Explorers' utility belt. Guild Engineers assist in supplying the gadgets, devices and various survival equipment that the Guild requires for expedition missions. Guild Engineers are expected to construct necessary equipment for Supply Quartermasters, as well as assist in designing new equipment that may aid expedition teams while working in dangerous environments. Guild Engineers may sell their goods on the side, but should not use Guild materials to do so. 

    (Requires rank of Apprentice or higher in one or more of the listed professions to apply.)


    • Supply Quartermaster (Miner/Farmer/Lumberjack): Guild inventory is perhaps one of the most important aspects of preparing for an excursion, making Supply Quartermasters a invaluable asset to the team. Supply Quartermasters are expected to keep their designated inventory stocked, organized and safe while supplying Guild members with the supplies they need (while remaining modest in what they supply). Often times, all other profession rankings will be reporting to the Quartermaster for stock deliveries or requests, which the Supply Quartermaster should document at all times with receipt booklets. Only those with high integrity and a serious attitude towards their profession should apply. Supply Quartermasters may sell their goods on the side, but should not use Guild materials to do so.  

    (Requires rank of Apprentice or higher in one or more of the listed professions to apply.)


    • Field Medic/Alchemist (Alchemy): Unfortunately, injuries do occur while scouring ruins and wandering the wilderness. In the case of a Guild member receiving harm or a Guild member requests a specific drought, a Field Medic or Alchemist should be trained and capable to provide treatment of wounds to ensure the safety of their patients. Field Medics and Alchemists are expected to always be on call in case of emergency, and should always keep medical and alchemical inventory stocked for themselves and the Supply Quartermaster. Field Medics and Alchemists may sell their goods on the side, but should not use Guild materials to do so.   

    (Requires rank of Apprentice or higher in one or more of the listed professions or in-character Medical skills to apply.)


    • Guild Architect / Camp Foreman (Stonemason/Woodworker): Construction may not seem like something the Explorers' League should concern itself with, but it's in fact a very important aspect of Guild life. Guild Architects and Camp Foreman may assist in the construction, repair and design of Guild way stations and operations, up to and including the Hall of Explorers. Camp Foremans specifically may attend expeditions to establish camps or digsites, and should work in direct contact with a Supply Quartermaster to arrange a supply line. That being said, Guild Architects and Camp Foreman may only be needed to arrange construction supplies in some situations where construction is overseen by the Excursion Council. Guild Architects and Camp Foreman may sell their goods on the side, but should not use Guild materials to do so.  

    (Requires rank of Apprentice or higher in one or more of the listed professions or proven building capabilities to apply.)


    • Field Ranger (Breeder): Field Rangers are survival specialists tasked with preserving the ecology of an area, guiding travelers and protecting wildlife populations from unjust endangerment. Members of this rank may be trained in animal care or are simply Explorers who prefer extensive work in the wilderness. Though a ranger might make a living as a hunter, a guide, or a tracker, a ranger’s true calling is to defend and preserve the outskirts of civilization from those who would intend harm, by protecting ruins and ancient holdings the Guild is unable to catalog in its Hall of Explorers. Since Field Rangers may gather game or wild herbs, they should report these items back to a Supply Quartermaster. Field Rangers may sell their goods on the side, but should not use Guild materials to do so.  

    (Requires rank of Apprentice or higher in one or more of the listed professions or Explorer rank to apply.)


    Membership Application and Recruitment:


    The Explorers' League is currently recruiting, and offering special priority for those who apply early.
    (Please fill out this application and either post it in this thread or message me personally. I will get back to you as soon as possible, my other responsibilities allowing.)
    Alternatively, you may write an letter to the Excursion Council, answering the questions below and submitting it as listed above.

    Basic IC Information

    Desired Rank: (Specify if you are wishing to apply to any profession-specific rank, otherwise you will be a designated Journeyman rank.)
    Reason for Applying: (Explain reasons you are applying to the Guild. Perhaps you have a passion for history, or simply wish to see the world? Elaborate.)
    Relevant Qualifications: (Detail your skills, history and feats here; this is to determine your personal fit within the Guild's ranks.)

    Past Experience: (Add any work or volunteer experience that may back up your relevant qualifications. Not mandatory if you have none.)
    Comments or Final Words: (Add anything that you feel may not have been covered, but is relevant to this Guild application.):

    OOC Information
    Discord Name: (Used for updates, news and information. Members will be given access to the Discord channel. Skype is not used.)
    Reason for Applying: (I ask  this simply to acquire feedback to improve upon the Guild.)
    First time to the Explorers' League?: (Have any previous characters been members of the Guild?)
    Are you applying with a main character?:

    Current Guild Members:

    High Explorer (Excursion Council)

    • Name: Tonya "Blitzkrieg" Hildebrandt || IGN: Grizzlowe || Title: Original Founder || Link to Profile: (TO BE ADDED)


    • Name: Henrick Releford || IGN: Its_El_Doggo || Title: Mercenary/Monster Hunter || Link to Profile: (TO BE ADDED)
    • Name: Mark Languish || IGN: ItsPassive || Title: League Prospector || Link to Profile: (TO BE ADDED)


    What’s your Minecraft account name?:

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How old are you?: 21

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Absolutely.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Meta-gaming and Power-gaming are forbidden.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Recommendation.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): No.

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): I have, and actually require some admin assistance in relevance to this. Thanks.



    What is roleplaying?: The act of taking on the role of a character; immersive storytelling.

    What is metagaming?: The use of OOC knowledge to manipulate IC events and knowledge.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: The act of forcing an action or emote onto another character without consent.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    Character’s name: Tonya Blitzkrieg

    Character’s sex: Female

    Character’s race: Human (Highlander)

    Character’s age: 22 years old

    first and only daughter of Kimberly and Gideon Hildebrandt, Tonya “Blitzkrieg” Hildebrandt was born during the cold winter of 1585, within a small temporary settlement within the Uraguan borders. Tonya’s parents were excursion specialists that worked closely alongside prospectors and journeymen of the dwarven Adventurer’s Guild, traveling often while earning their keep as expedition crew members. Tonya was always a curious and energetic child, perhaps merely out of necessity; raised among her adventurous parents with the ideal that the world was full of secrets waiting to be discovered. Often times, as excursions into the wilderness were not often safe for young children such as Tonya, she would find herself under the guidance and care of her Godfather Orik Hornbrew, an educated dwarven historian employed by the Adventurer’s Guild and stationed in the recently established capital city of Kal’Omith. Much of Tonya’s early life proceeded as one would expect, raised within the urban environment of a dwarven holding. She gained basic understanding through both the dwarven culture of Orik and her environment, as well as the Highlander culture of her parents. Friendship came relatively easily among her young dwarven peers, as children were rare to speculate on her obviously misfit human physiology. Tonya earned the nickname Blitzkrieg from her Mother, commenting on her daughters often energetic and lightning-like behavior as a young girl; a nickname that Tonya would later adopt as a personal title and homage to her loving mother.


    At the age of 12, Tonya lost both of her parents on a failed guided expedition into the frigid regions north of Norland, resulting in the assumed deaths of all members involved and leaving a grieving Tonya in the permanent care of her Godfather. It was at this point that Tonya began receiving full-time tutoring from Orik, guiding her in the skills she would need to be self-sufficient and capable once inevitably leaving home. It was also at this time that judgments of her nature as an outsider were felt by her peers, not her lack of familial ties to the dwarven communities and clans, causing a sense of isolation and exclusion. Much of Tonya’s teenage years continued in this manner, spending the time she would have normally spent among friends pouring over the Guild’s texts. She found herself fascinated in tales of intrigue and discovery, and with the grand world that lie outside of Kal’Omith’s stony walls. It was during this time Tonya would discover her passions and hobbies for exploration, while learning through Orik’s tutoring and personal research.


    At the age of 22, Tonya had come of independent age and was set to leave Orik’s home in search of her own destiny. As a parting gift, Orik offered Tonya passage through Guild connections to the Courland capital of Aleksandria, so that she may find suitable work in a setting known for opportunity. She graciously accepted and began her first, and certainly not her last, expedition into the beautiful lands of Tahn. It was her hopes to put the theories she learned under Orik into practice, perhaps forming an Explorers’ Guild of her own if the opportunity and fortune arose.


    Personality Traits:
    Tonya is depicted as a very cunning, fierce, and determined explorer. She has been shown to be incredibly intelligent, using her wits to solve puzzles, pull off disguises, and escape many potentially dangerous situations when in the field. Tonya can be eccentric and excitable in her mannerisms and socialization, perhaps blunt in her wording and decisions when faced with seriousness. However, she has a history of being a loner, often rejecting company and help whenever it is offered to her (when she can help it). Tonya, through her loss as a young girl and lack of meaningful relationships during youth, struggles to trust others and can express introverted tendencies despite her bold, energetic and often forthright nature; that being said, she is determined to change herself for the better and start her adult life in a positive way by expressing confidence and leadership in her actions. Tonya’s greatest mental asset is her curiosity and hunger for knowledge, acting as one of her major driving forces towards her goals.



    Tonya’s ambitions are to uncover the world’s many secrets for the posterity of all humanoid races. She also wishes to pursue fame and fortune through the collection and cataloging of ancient knowledge and eldritch artifacts once lost to time, one day perhaps owning a museum or public collection of rare and wonderful pieces from her adventures and experiences. In the meantime, Tonya would very much form a group of like-minded adventurers to scour Axion in search of treasure and civilizations long since past. You know, girly things.


    Her Godfather’s preparation has offered her a jack-of-all-trades variety of skills. Physically fit from constant training and outdoor work, Tonya has quite impressive strength for a woman of her stature. Most impressively is her dexterity, capable of performing some acrobatic skill and nimble work with her hands. Her survival and perception skills are honed from study and practice in the wilderness, making her a useful asset to any team. She has formal skill in both small blades and crossbow combat. One may describe Tonya as a Ranger, if they were so inclined. Tonya prides herself in adaptability and heritage of mixed cultural identity, making her capable of surviving in numerous climates and varying civilizations (urban and rural).



    Tonya can be incredibly impulsive when a situation requires her immediate attention, sometimes acting unwisely in the moment. She may also prove adventurous to a fault, following in her parents curious and dangerous footsteps. Tonya is also quite naive, as a young woman who has only just recently come of adulthood and left the care of her guardian, leaving her with a lot of general knowledge but few mastered schools of education. For one so eager to experience the world, particularly that of past histories and lore, she sure has a lot to learn. Beyond Guild connections through her Godfather, Tonya does not have a social network as others may, leaving her perhaps a tad underprivileged in opportunity and financial concerns, meaning she must work harder to get what may have come easier to others.



    Tonya is a lean and dexterous woman, standing to a full height of 5’11” and weighing a total of 172 lbs. Her fair skin is often smeared with the soot and dirt of her active lifestyle and curious hobbies, with a streak of black often brushed across the sharp contours of her face, bringing out the fair blue of her eyes. Her features and bone structure have a rounded, yet prominent appearance, set beneath a mess of thick straw blonde hair. Tonya prefers open and airy clothes to cover her toned form, that are easy to move in rather than a suit of bulky plate. She may often be seen wearing her fitted fur-lined jacket, black cloth bikini and khaki shorts. An outfit suited for practical use, she wears a set of leather pauldrons along with light iron arm guards to protect from limb injury during field work. Her outfit would not be complete without white knee-high socks and a pair of leather boots fit for marching through caves.




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