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Posts posted by Gamma

  1. AD_4nXc49Q_XI4YaewW7h3AFbfX_OsVZICvQue2uCZiSzqoEUKPUxw4Gn3lT0NTXVRWsLLQAWmeGOJaCnj1KW4JJF_f8ql2zsiOLFv0he9RBq6ctcBrLEJPkDcH6mDTHV2sSap8xWdz7nj-OF83rngMfUqqEdWU?key=juaCsTIVd299Pr6zPel5hg




    I am selling mainly dark-themed skins below in an auction. All skins will be starting at the same price and will have the same increment. I do not sell skin for minas, so if you do not have hard cash USD, I will not be accepting it. I only take payment from Paypal.


    Heads and faces can be removed if needed. 


    General Rules

    Post a new reply don’t edit your previous bid!

    Use the bidding format provided!

    Quote the person you’re outbidding!

    Don’t commit unless you’re bidding!


    Starting Prices: $15

    Increments: $3


    Bidding Format


    Skin: -

    Bid: -

    Discord:  -

    IGN:  -


    This auction will close on the 12th of June 2024.



    Automaton [1]:  This is an automaton skin that can be used and edited. 





    Armour Skin [1]: This is an armour-skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 



    Armour Skin [2]: This is an armour-skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 




    Armour Skin [3]: This is an armour-skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 



    Armour Skin [4]: This is an armour-skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 



    Armour Skin [5]: This is an armour-skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 



    Armour Skin [6]: This is an armour-skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 



    Armour Skin [7]: This is an armour-skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 





    Attire Skin [1]: This is an attire / cloth skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 



    Attire Skin [2]: This is an attire / cloth skin, head can be removed and replaced as needed. 



  2. 8 hours ago, squakhawk said:

    "It is good to see our friends take control of a state in chaos. I've got to come by soon; I've got good drink to share from our newest vintage.


    Should we bring anything else? Or is there anything you hope to try, Ysivryn?" Sand shouted upstairs eagerly, pilfering through his own lattice bottle rack for a select few bottles hastily placed under his arm.


    "I've not yet been to their main village, only to visit a friend a few times at a nearby temple" She then pauses, thinking "You know my taste for alcohol is skewed... Just bring whatever you think is best"

  3. "Not my war, not my fight. Take your love for the Tyrant elsewhere, as it is not welcome in my domain" Ysivryn seethed after reading the letter, tossing the balled up notice towards Sand before calling out "Hey, old man! Catch!"

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             The 'Blessed' Children of Ixris


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Kiiztria, Jaelon, TimberBuff


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Sharaf, Vorrul, Lalaith


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  5. Axe.jpg?ex=65f3d123&is=65e15c23&hm=0ae6b2d10ad7522d78d4a4a8d8d2eef4ba95dfb99083a0f7e10504ba93759c95&


    Name of the Artifact:

             Ovmoro, The Ashen Hunger


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):

             Gamma_Byte, SquakHawk, nameistaylor, Winterblessing


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Ysivryn, Sand, Siawn, Myleres


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:


    Axehead and spike creation
















    Dragonsflame Embuement


















    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    A one-handed war axe with a sharpened spike on its opposite end bathed in a wreath of sweltering dragonsflame, forged from the metallic remains of the armor that was created out of the Smoke Drake's corpse - Avendal. The axe-head and curved spike is forged by diaphanous, crimson dracanium held together by an ebon-black kerf, made of black ferrum gilded with decorative gold; the symbol of Mul’naar, a circular insignia with a draconic serpent and an ornate tree for a tail, embedded in lustrous-gold drawing. Along the axehead, lies what seems to be a closed set of jaws, clamped shut lining directly throughout the center. The handle of the axe, scarred by treated oak, is layered by a thicket of ashen fabric for comfortable grip. A circular socket is attached to the end of the war-axe for design and balance, knotted by a tuft of red twinges.

    In the innermost end of the vehement material’s jaw lies a closed lid, spattering and burning with scorching heat. Should it ever open, it’d reveal the iris of a draconic eye, flaring a vibrant amaranth red and gold hue, resembling the dragonsflame of it’s creator.



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    Ovmoro is a one-handed war axe made of dracanium, forged from the remains of the smoke drake, Avendal. Imbued with a unit of dragonsflame from its creator, a small fragment of the drake’s consciousness lives within the weapon, acting as his vessel. It takes on the form of a miniature dragon no larger than a crow, made completely of flame, lined with smoke and ash. Bound to Ovmoro, the spirit may roam out of its vessel, but cannot fully leave the vicinity of the user, ranging two blocks around the individual. Should the user wish, they may forcibly pull the drake back into the axe, by simply grasping the weapon’s shaft. The drake spirit itself is non-combative, serving as additional flavor to roleplay and will return to its vessel should combat start. Alternatively, Avendal may speak through the jaws of the weapon, whilst open or closed. The eye will flick around, showing its sentience and livelihood should it ever decide to awaken.

    Due to the weapon’s sentient nature, it is able to ‘learn’ specific things should it be taught. It’s creator taught the drake the nephilim’s Augmented Flame ability, Emboldened Strength, along with a unit of Dragonsflame. In return, the axe is able to perform numerous abilities, utilizing the same volatile dragonsflame though in a somewhat different manner during combat. Should the drake be taught any new abilities or information, it will simply listen, but the abilities of Ovmoro will not be altered whatsoever. Additionally, it cannot teach the ability/information to others. Having a draconic nature, the weapon is also weak to a dragon’s bane. If struck by xannic light, malflame, or necrotic blight three times, it will shatter should enough force meet the metal. If struck by thanhium three times, the reddish hue of the dracanium will turn grey and stone-like, growing more intense per emote. This causes Ovmoro’s abilities to be sealed for the rest of combat, requiring it to be ignited again out of combat.

    The spirit, being only a small fraction of whatever remained of Avendal’s consciousness, is still able to speak, although in broken sentences. As it was once a creature of instinct and hunger, the spirit’s personality reflects upon it. 

    Creator’s Affinity


    Due to the aid of numerous Nephilim during the creation of Ovmoro, the dragonsflame they used is not just solely for the revival of the Avendal’s fragment. Should any of the specific Nephilim wield Ovmoro, they would feel a sense of familiarity with the weapon, being to wield it with complete ease as if it were an extension of them.  Only Azdrazi may utilize the abilities Ovmoro holds, as one must bear dragonsflame within themselves.




    Anyone outside the specified Nephilim is still able to wield and utilize Ovmoro without any repercussion. 

    Creator’s Affinity does not stop one from using the weapon, or it’s abilities. Should the individual not hold any Dragonsflame Units, they may not use Ovmoro’s abilities.

    Creator's Affinity does not grant any benefits, only a sense of familiarity and mastery with the weapon itself, outside of the abilities Ovmoro holds.


    Strike of Flame

    [3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast]


    Based off of a nephilim’s ability, Emboldened Strength, Strike of Flame will cause an arc of volatile dragonsfire taking the visual of solid smoke to erupt from the axe’s blade after being swung in a downwards motion, cleaving through the ground. Being a ranged version of the Augmented Flame ability, this arc will fly forth in a vertical fashion, whilst bearing the force of a blunt weapon being struck by an individual of olog strength. The projectile is one block wide whilst three blocks tall, being able to fly for ten blocks before dissipating. This ability takes three emotes to charge up, one to allow smoke to seep from the axe’s shut maw, engulfing the blade, another to lift the weapon before slamming it down onto the ground upon the third -- causing the arc to shoot out.




    Can only be used [2] times per encounter. If the user wishes to use this ability past the limit, it will require [2] Dragonsflame Units per additional use. 

    Upon being used, this ability is on cooldown for one emote. Upon being on cooldown,  Enrapturements, the Augmented Flame, or Ovmoro’s abilities cannot be casted.

    The arc’s speed will not exceed that of an arrow.

    The arc is vertical only, it cannot be horizontal.

    The volatile dragonsflame cannot set anything aflame.


    Earthen Sunderer

    [4 Emotes: 1 Connect + 3 Cast]


    Earthen Sunderer is an ability that creates a pillar of volatile dragonsflame, shooting upwards in a 3x3 area in front of the user. The charge-up takes two emotes, smoke slowly covering the entirety of the axehead, then sending it down on the ground. On the third emote, the selected 3x3 area begins to glow brightly, heavy amounts of smog beginning to seep from the floor. The user may choose the aesthetic for the area, but it must be visible for all to see, unable to be hidden. Upon the fourth, a pillar of dragonsflame erupts from the ground, sending all those in the area 2 blocks into the air. Additionally, the flame sets anything flammable alight, lasting for 4 additional emotes before dissipating.


    The flame within the pillar causes different degree of burns depending on what kind of protection is worn. If only cloth is worn, the flame will cause instant second-degree burns, growing in severity should the flame be not extinguished or they remain in the pillar. 


    If an armored individual was struck by the flame, the damage will vary depending on what they wear. Those wearing platemail will be immune to the Dragonsfire, as it cannot melt through metal. Though should one stay within range of flame pillar for over an emote, the searing flame will heat up the metal accordingly. On the first emote, the armored individual is unaffected to the flame, no burns forming over their body. On the second and beyond, should their skin/cloth press against the platemail, they will recieve instant second degree burns, worsening to third degree upon the next emote.


    Should it be flammable like leather, they may avoid severe burns should they leave the range and put out the fire in one emote. Otherwise, the Dragonsflame will sear through the hide, reaching skin. On the first emote, the individual will receive first degree burns, lighting the leather aflame. If it is not extinguished in time, the burns will worsen to second degree upon the next emote then third degree following after.




    Can only be used [1] time per encounter.

    The area where the group erupts must be very telegraphic, unable to be hidden whatsoever.

    The smoke and flame seeping from the area are for pure aesthetics.

    The knock-up force is not strong enough to send any creature larger than an olog up into the air. Should an individual be sent up into the air, they will require [1] emote dedicated to recovering their footing.

    The user is not immune to the effects of Earthen Sunderer.

    The 3x3 area may be manifested at most five blocks away from the user.

    Athin treatment is insufficient to dampen the heat and damaging effects of Earthen Sunderer, however methods such as frost oil treatment of armor, or the utilization of a shield, may effectively mitigate the damage of this spell.



    Ashen Sanctuary

    [3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast]


    Another ability of the axe is being able to expand the dragonsflame stored within into a large dome made of smoke. Any are free to enter the area without any resistance, though are met with an intense heat, that of the molten firelands, covered in thick haze. The smoke prevents those outside from seeing into the domain, though any sounds within will still be heard. Any darkspawn within the zone would be met with unease, remaining until they leave the vicinity. The domain expands with a radius of eight blocks, activated in three emotes by allowing smoke to condense within the weapon as it continuously flows from the weapon’s jaws as it opens, lifting it up and slamming it harshly into the ground. The weapon must remain stationary for the dome to continue its effects, bursting harmlessly into ash and smoke if it is summoned back to the wielder or pried off of the ground. If it is forcibly removed, the individual must use two emotes, one to grasp the handle and the second to pull, causing the ability to deactivate immediately.


    The domain lasts for eight emotes, and bears an effect of the slow draining of one’s stamina and lungs, should they be affected by heat and smoke. Cold/water-based magicks and creatures will also be affected in a more severe degree, such as creatures made of the cold or water/ice evocationists would require one extra emote to cast, and an additional two emotes are cut for the duration of any spells that have lasting effects. Upon the initial two emotes, they begin to sweat, coughing lightly whilst being uncomfortable within their clothing. The third to fifth emotes cause the effects to intensify, as they begin to feel the tug of exhaustion on their bodies, the smoke beginning to affect their lungs. One will feel the frequent need to cough, or struggle to breathe, their movements become sluggish. On the sixth emote and beyond, they will be fatigued, strength drained, and reduced movement speed by two blocks, as suffocation takes it’s toll. Those within would be forced to wheeze, desperate for fresh air, experiencing asphyxiation. Should one step out of the zone whilst affected, it will take two emotes for them to regain their stamina, clearing the effects from their bodies. This sapping of stamina will only affect those who are actively fighting and moving within the domain. Any magics that may manipulate large bodies of wind can disrupt the flow of air and heat in the dome, reducing its effects by two emotes per spell cast.


    Should one enter the domain, their perception of the environment completely changes, though these are completely aesthetic. Cinders and ash fall from the skies, completely covered by swirling clouds, with a thick pale haze lingering throughout the air. A faint silhouette of a eastern dragon soaring up above, watching those below. The wielder may change how the domain looks should they store an ‘image’ within the dracanium, due to its semi-sentience. Silhouettes of structures made of fire or ash may be shown inside the zone, but any may pass through such with ease.




    Can only be used [1] time per combat encounter.

    The smoke around the dome will prevent people from seeing within and out the domain, and is intangible.

    The smoke and flame seeping from the area is for aesthetics.

    This ability may not metagame any darkspawn, as the anxiety is not enough to trigger any sort of response.

    All descendants and creatures vulnerable to heat, stamina, and suffocation are affected by the domain. As an individual cannot die from suffocation within the ability, they still must roleplay the effects of asphyxiation. Any methods such as air purifier masks, or similar will negate the effects.

    CAs made of water or ice such as frost witches and atronachs requires an additional [1] emote to cast. Any spells with lasting effects that persist past casting would have [2] emotes cut from its full duration.

    Magicks such as ice and water evocation requires an additional [1] emote to cast. Any spells with lasting effects that persist past casting would have its duration halved.

    Magicks that manipulate large bodies of air will cause disruption within the domain, reducing the duration by [2] emotes per spell used. Such spells include those in air evocation: air shield, air blast, sound blast, wind storm, compression, and whirlwind.



    [2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast]


    With the affinity of flame, Ovmoro is able to siphon and extinguish all flame in an 6x6 environment or upon an individual, stifling them. Over two emotes, the user may raise the axe before bringing it upon the ground, causing a wave of smoke to flow outwards. During this time, the jaws of the weapon opens, as thick smog pours from within its metallic throat. Should a fire source be drowned out, smoke would replace such, turning the area hazy. This is purely for aesthetics, though will make one cough should they not be immune to such, not to the extent of suffocation. Upon each singular source of fire, is replaced by a 2x2 cloud of thick smog. It will expand to 4x4 on the next emote, lasting for five emotes, dispersing upon the sixth. Those within are only able to see a block in front of them, though may rid the area of smog using any air displacement, magical or mundane. Should the ability be used out of combat, the user may snuff out specific bodies of flame should their attention be drawn to it, though will still require two emotes.




    Can siphon the flame from the environment should it bear any draconic/voidal/alchemical/mundane properties around the user with the exception of malflame and abyssflame.

    Stifle will only extinguish flame that is currently touching the surrounding environment or on any individual.

    Stifle cannot suffocate targets nor make it at all difficult to breathe. At most, those caught within the cloud would be prone to small amounts of coughing.

    Alchemists are not immune to the visual impairment of Stifle unless they have adequate means of seeing through such, namely treated alchemic lenses.

    For the sake of interactions with other magics (i.e. Seer), smoke as a product of Stifle is considered a magical obscurement.

    Alchemic Air Purifier, Air Evocation, and other means of mundane or magical air dispersion/displacement. are all viable means of dispersing the smoke.




    Ovmoro is draan-bound to Ysivryn, it’s current wielder and creator. Should the user be incapable of recalling the weapon, such as if they are unconscious or dead, they cannot recall it.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    Ovmoro will not self repair catastrophic damage or if it has been deemed "destroyed" Destruction in this case, refers to severe structural damage such as a pulverized handle or shattered axehead. Proper roleplay must be made, requiring dracanium to repair. The spirit of Avendal will remain dominant should dracanium from another draconic creature be used, as Ovmoro itself is it's vessel.

    Should any of the specified T3 necrotic, infernal, or xannic spells hit Ovmoro [3] times, the weapon will shatter upon the next emote should it is struck, due to its draconic nature. The projectile/strike must hit the axehead directly, as grazing it will do nothing.

    • Infernal Spells: Rok-Kirluk, Uzgiirk
    • Necrotic Spells: Cauterization
    • Xannic Spells: Vindication, Stalker's Step

    Should any of the specified T4-5 necrotic, infernal, or xannic spells hit Ovmoro [2] times, the weapon will shatter upon the next emote should it is struck, due to its draconic nature. The projectile/strike must hit the axehead directly, as grazing it will do nothing.

    • Infernal Spells: Rok-Argal, Rok-Krimth
    • Necrotic Spells: Bursting
    • Xannic Spells: Sunlight Spear, Daybreak Spear, Sunlit Volley

    Should Ovmoro be hit [3] times with Thanhium, the dracanium will slowly turn grey and stone-like, sealing its abilities for the rest of the combat scenario. It may be ‘thawed’ and re-ignited out of combat.

    The user must wait [1] emote if they wish to swap between Azdrazi Enrapturements/Augmented Flame spells and Ovmoro's abilities.

    Ovmoro cannot be summoned as a means to avoid a blow at the last moment.

    Attacks with Ovmoro cannot be made in the same emote that it is summoned. Should the user be dead or unconscious, they cannot recall the weapon. Upon their death, the weapon does not crumble to ash like all other draan-bound weapons. Only when they revive can they recall it.

    The creator [Gamma_Byte] permanently has [1] Dragonsflame Unit reduced from the pool, marked on their CA. Should the weapon be shattered, the player must be notified of their unit of Dragonsflame returning to their persona.

    Cannot cast Enrapturements or the Augmented Flame whilst using the MArt’s abilities, or during an ability cooldown.

    The draconic spirit is noncombative. The flame it is made of is unable to burn, only providing mild warmth and a light illumination.

    The ability/information that the spirit was taught cannot be taught to others, nor can it learn any new abilities.

    The draconic spirit cannot be used to learn or metagame any information, nor can it reveal any ST related lore information as the being itself has no recollection of how it has perished, only its identity.



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Dracanium is a metal made of the remains of a dragonkin, whether it be a drakaar, dragaar, drake, etc. As Ovmoro is made of Avendal, it is able to maintain semi-sentience based off of its personality and mind of the smoke drake. By attempting to reignite the ‘life’ of the drake with dragonsflame, using the dracanium axe as a vessel, the two Nephilim succeed. Though, only a fragment of the once great being remained, as it’s form is that of a small dragon made of flame and ash. Being sentient, the user of Ovmoro taught the drake the Augmented Flame ability - Emboldened Strength by severing a unit of Dragonsflame from their own being, imbuing it into the metal. With this, the axe is able to perform several abilities with its newfound knowledge.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. Axe.png

    Name of the Artifact:

             Ovmoro, The Spirit of Asioth


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):

             Gamma_Byte, SquakHawk, nameistaylor, Winterblessing


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Ysivryn, Sand, Siawn, Myleres


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:


    Axehead and spike creation















    Dragonsflame Embuement
















    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    A one-handed war axe with a sharpened spike on its opposite end bathed in a wreath of sweltering dragonsflame, forged from the metallic remains of the armor that was created out of the Smoke Drake's corpse - Avendal. The axe-head and curved spike is forged by diaphanous, crimson dracanium held together by an ebon-black kerf, made of black ferrum gilded with decorative gold; the symbol of Mul’naar, a circular insignia with a draconic serpent and an ornate tree for a tail, embedded in lustrous-gold drawing.

    The handle of the axe, scarred by treated oak, is layered by a thicket of ashen fabric for comfortable grip. A circular socket is attached to the end of the war-axe for design and balance, knotted by a tuft of red twinges.


    In the center of the vehement material throbs a pastel-orange flame, spattering and burning with scorching heat. The living metal pulsates similar to a zestful heart.



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    Ovmoro is a one-handed war axe made of dracanium, forged from the remains of the smoke drake, Avendal. Imbued with a unit of dragonsflame from its creator, a small fragment of the drake’s consciousness lives within the weapon, acting as his vessel. It takes on the form of a miniature dragon no larger than a crow, made completely of flame, lined with smoke and ash. Bound to Ovmoro, the spirit may roam out of its vessel, but cannot fully leave the vicinity of the user, ranging two blocks around the individual. Should the user wish, they may forcibly pull the drake back into the axe, by simply grasping the weapon’s shaft. The drake spirit itself is non-combative, serving as additional flavor to roleplay and will return to its vessel should combat start.

    Due to the weapon’s sentient nature, it is able to ‘learn’ specific things should it be taught. It’s creator taught the drake the nephilim’s Augmented Flame ability, Emboldened Strength. In return, the axe is able to perform numerous abilities, utilizing the same volatile dragonsflame though in a somewhat different manner during combat.

    The spirit, being only a small fraction of whatever remained of Avendal’s consciousness, is still able to speak, although in broken sentences. As it was once a creature of instinct and hunger, the spirit’s personality reflects upon it. 

    Creator’s Affinity


    Due to the aid of numerous Nephilim during the creation of Ovmoro, the dragonsflame they used is not just solely for the revival of the Avendal’s fragment. Should any of the specific Nephilim wield Ovmoro, they would feel a sense of familiarity with the weapon, being to wield it with complete ease as if it were an extension of them.


    Strike of Flame

    [3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast]


    Mimicking a dragon’s swipe across the ground, Strike of Flame will cause an arc of volatile dragonsfire to erupt from the axe’s blade after being swung in a downwards motion, cleaving through the ground. This arc will fly forth in a vertical fashion, lighting anything flammable whilst bearing the force of a blunt weapon being struck by an individual of peak human strength. The projectile is one block wide whilst three blocks tall, being able to fly for ten blocks before dissipating. This ability takes three emotes to charge up, one to allow the axe’s blade to heat up, another to lift the weapon to the wielder’s shoulder before slamming it down onto the ground upon the third -- causing the arc to shoot out.


    Earthen Sunderer

    [4 Emotes: 1 Connect + 3 Cast]


    Earthen Sunderer is an ability that creates a pillar of volatile dragonsflame, shooting upwards in a 4x4 area in front of the user. The charge-up takes two emotes, the axe’s blade heating and lighting up, then sending it down on the ground. On the third emote, the selected 4x4 area begins to glow brightly, heavy amounts of smoke beginning to seep from the floor. The user may choose the aesthetic for the area, but it must be visible for all to see, unable to be hidden. Upon the fourth, a pillar of dragonsflame erupts from the ground, sending all those in the area 2 blocks into the air. Additionally, the flame sets anything flammable alight, lasting for 3 additional emotes before dissipating.


    The flame within the pillar causes different degree of burns depending on what kind of protection is worn. If only cloth is worn, the flame will cause instant second-degree burns, growing in severity should the flame be not extinguished or they remain in the pillar. 


    If an armored individual was struck by the flame, the damage will vary depending on what they wear. Those wearing platemail will be immune to the Dragonsfire, as it cannot melt through metal. Though should one stay within range of Flamebreath for over an emote, the searing flame will heat up the metal accordingly. On the first emote, the armored individual is unaffected to the flame, no burns forming over their body. On the second and beyond, should their skin/cloth press against the platemail, they will recieve instant second degree burns, worsening to third degree upon the next emote.


    Should it be flammable like leather, they may avoid severe burns should they leave the range and put out the fire in one emote. Otherwise, the Dragonsflame will sear through the hide, reaching skin. On the first emote, the individual will receive first degree burns, lighting the leather aflame. If it is not extinguished in time, the burns will worsen to second degree upon the next emote then third degree following after.


    Dragon’s Domain

    [2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast]


    Another ability of the axe is being able to expand the dragonsflame stored within into a large dome made of smoke. Any are free to enter the area without any resistance, though are met with an intense heat, that of the molten firelands. The smoke prevents those outside from seeing into the domain, though anything like sound and etc will still be heard. Any darkspawn within the zone would be met with a sense of unease, remaining until they leave the vicinity. The domain expands with a radius of eight blocks, activated in two emotes by lifting the weapon and slamming it harshly into the ground. The weapon must remain stationary for the dome to continue its effects, bursting harmlessly into ash and smoke if it is summoned back to the wielder or pried off of the ground. If it is forcibly removed, the individual must use two emotes, one to grasp the handle and the second to pull, causing the ability to deactivate immediately. 


    The domain lasts for ten emotes, and bears an effect of the slow draining of one’s stamina, should they be affected by heat. Cold/water-based magicks and creatures will also be affected in a more severe degree, such as creatures made of the cold or water/ice evocationists would require one extra emote to cast, additionally their abilities last much shorter. Once ice and water is conjured, the mage would realize it'd evaporate or melt at an alarming rate. Upon the initial two emotes, they begin to sweat, whilst being uncomfortable within their clothing. The third to fifth emotes cause the effects to intensify, as they begin to feel the tug of exhaustion on their bodies. Their movements become slightly sluggish, reducing one block to their movement speed. On the sixth emote and beyond, they will be fully fatigued, strength drained. Should one step out of the zone whilst affected, it will take two emotes for them to regain their stamina, clearing the effects from their bodies.


    Should one enter the domain, their perception of the environment completely changes, though these are completely aesthetic. Cinders and ash fall from the skies, completely covered by swirling clouds. A faint silhouette of a eastern dragon soaring up above, watching those below. The wielder may change how the domain looks should they store an ‘image’ within the dracanium, due to its semi-sentience. Silhouettes of structures made of fire or ash may be shown inside the zone, but any may pass through such with ease.



    [2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast]


    With the affinity of flame, Ovmoro is able to siphon and extinguish all flame in an 5x5 area, stifling them. Over two emotes, the user may raise the axe before bringing it upon the ground, causing a wave of smoke to flow outwards. The smoke will not inhibit anyone's vision should they be hit by it, nor will it siphon flame from spells that are being casted. Should the ability be used out of combat, the user may snuff out specific bodies of flame should their attention be drawn to it, though will still require two emotes.




    Ovmoro is draan-bound to Ysivryn, it’s current wielder and creator. Should this weapon be broken, the user will no longer be able to recall it. Should the user be incapable of recalling the weapon, such as if they are unconscious or dead, they cannot recall it.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    General Redlines-

    Ovmoro can not self-repair catastrophic damage. If it is deemed as “destroyed”, it will not repair itself.

    Ovmoro cannot be summoned as a means to avoid a blow at the last moment.

    Attacks with Ovmoro cannot be made in the same emote that it is summoned. Should the user be dead or unconscious, they cannot recall the weapon. Upon their death, the weapon does not crumble to ash like all other draan-bound weapons. Only when they revive can they recall it.

    Cannot cast Enrapturements or the Augmented Flame whilst using the MArt’s abilities.

    The draconic spirit is noncombative. The flame it is made of is unable to burn, only providing mild warmth and a light illumination.

    The draconic spirit cannot be used to learn or metagame any information, as the being itself has no recollection of how it has perished, only its identity.


    Creator’s Affinity-

    Anyone outside the specified Nephilim is still able to wield and utilize Ovmoro without any repercussion, though will not gain the innate weapon mastery. 


    Strike of Flame-


    Can only be used [2] times per encounter. If the user wishes to use this ability past the limit, it will require [2] Dragonsflame Units per additional use. 

    Upon being used, this ability is on cooldown for one emote.

    The arc’s speed will not exceed that of an arrow.

    The arc is vertical only, it cannot be horizontal.

    The volatile dragonsflame cannot set anything aflame.


    Earthen Sunderer-

    Can only be used [2] times per encounter.

    Upon being used, this ability is on cooldown for three emotes.

    Cannot knock-up any creature larger than an olog.

    The smoke and flame seeping from the area is for pure aesthetics.

    The user is not immune to the effects of Earthen Sunderer.

    The 4x4 area may be manifested at most five blocks away from the user.


    Dragon’s Domain-

    Can only be used [1] time per combat encounter.

    The smoke around the dome will prevent people from seeing within and out the domain.

    The smoke and flame seeping from the area is for pure aesthetics.

    This ability may not metagame any darkspawn, as the anxiety is not enough to trigger any sort of response.

    CAs made of water or ice such as frost witches and atronachs requires an additional [1] emote to cast. Should any projectile spells be held after a complete cast, the water/ice would begin to immediately evaporate or melt upon the next emote. Any spells with lasting effects that persist past casting would have [2] emotes cut from its full duration.

    Magicks such as ice and water evocation requires an additional [1] emote to cast. Should any projectile spells be held after a complete cast, the Water/Ice would begin to immediately evaporate or melt upon the next emote. Any spells with lasting effects that persist past casting would have its duration halved.



    Can extinguish any magical/alchemical/mundane flame around the user.

    Cannot prevent/block/disrupt any flame should they be casted.

    Stifle will only extinguish flame that is currently touching the surrounding environment.


    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Dracanium is a metal made of the remains of a dragonkin, whether it be a drakaar, dragaar, drake, etc. As Ovmoro is made of Avendal, it is able to maintain semi-sentience based off of its personality and mind of the smoke drake. By attempting to reignite the ‘life’ of the drake with dragonsflame, using the dracanium axe as a vessel, the two Nephilim succeed. Though, only a fragment of the once great being remained, as it’s form is that of a small dragon made of flame and ash. Being sentient, the user of Ovmoro taught the drake the Augmented Flame ability - Emboldened Strength by severing a unit of Dragonsflame from their own being, imbuing it into the metal. With this, the axe is able to perform several abilities with its newfound knowledge.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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