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Posts posted by Leviantae

  1. 10 hours ago, Sky said:

    No, I refuse to go through a fifth change of how the years work goddammit. We already have characters whose ages are so messed up cause years went from 2 weeks to 3 weeks to 2 weeks to 1 week - Stick with the single week and just get used to it, 100 years is 2 years and that's not fast in the least. 

    Here I am not only talking about your persona’s old age, I’m talking about missing out on important periods of their lives because they are too short for LoTC’s actual state. As an European, I spend only around one and a half to two hours daily RPing, the rest I spend doing nothing because people either aren’t online, RP is spread among cities that are 1k blocks away from eachother, or, simply put, I don’t have time to RP.
    So, as most people say here, should I not play a human, and play a long living elf that gets thrown into the category of edgies and is excluded from most RP? Not to mention that, as I stated above, RP is already lacking on LoTC, and you barely spend time roleplaying. Most of the time you just have to come up with ideas to explain what your persona has been doing in the past IC month since you last RPed with that person.
    Another thing would be – imagine a wedding that would take up to a few hours OOC, wouldn’t that make it a few weeks IC? Like, let’s be honest. And on top of that, after the wedding you log off cause it’s too late, cause you’re a plebian European, most of your IC friends are OOC Americans and you have school next day. You meet one of those people that were at the wedding with you and you start discussing of it as if it were yesterday IC, but in fact there’s been almost a month.
    I’m not saying that LoTC time passage should be as slow as real life, but at the moment it’s way too fast. It implies that you use your time spent on LoTC with 100% efficiency, as in, no time spent wandering between empty cities or time spent waiting for people to get on the server.

    1 hour ago, Sporadic said:

    My stance on this has always been the same, i only take into account the opinions who WANT to age their characters.


    A lot of people say “2 weeks/ year is perfect”,  but these are mostly people who don’t like aging in the first place. So for them I could make it 1year/1year and it would make them happiest.  They’re going to stay perpetually 25 because that’s what they want. And that’s fine with me tbh, but then I don’t have to take their opinion into account beyond the fact that we leave them the option to set their age manually.


    But there is people who actually like progressing a character through old age, and in general they prefer 1 week /year. This is people who like dynastic RP,  heritage, succession crises and the like. It gives a far more dynamic quality to the RP because things move at a decent enough speed to remain interesting month after month.

    Sorry to be spamming instead of making a single post, but it’s really uncomfortable for me to keep track of my ideas if I keep switching from one’s reply to another. Here I just want to say that, if you are fine, if most people age their persona differently,  why not have a default aging system? Or why doesn’t the staff allow the players to age their persona’s a bit slower? Cause I’ve asked a few staff members if it is against the rules to slow down your persona’s aging, and they say it is even though I am 100% sure they have done it themselves at some point. Why does every staff member say it is against the rules, and why do most people act like “Well just don’t show your age do whatever you want.”. It’s there a server system or an anarchy when it comes to persona aging? I’m just not too sure at this point, and I wouldn’t like to be banned because I broke some rule when some staff members say it is against the rules, some do it themselves, some say it is fine.

  2. Just going to give you an example as to why aging is bullshit and should be lower. I started roleplaying my persona when she was 13, got into finals, only been able to RP for like an hour a day during which I’d just cross between empty cities – then boom, my persona’s 19, missed all that teenagehood RP in just a few weeks.
    Also the point wasn’t that. The point is that players and staff members still slow down their persona’s aging manually, so if they do that, why doesn’t it get changed to a default slower aging system? 

  3. Don’t we all agree that LoTC’s aging system is a bit too fast? Like, having your persona age by a month every single day... isn’t that a bit too much?

    Why doesn’t the default aging system get slowed down? I mean, most players and staff already slow down their persona’s aging, so why don’t we make it a general rule?

    Just think about it. Maybe you have finals and can’t get on Minecraft for a while, and when you come back, your persona’s already 2 years older. How fun is that?

    Especially if you are a human, and you live a short life anyway. The lifespan of a human is indeed, longer than usual but I don’t think that is what LoTC needs, is it?

    Who even plays their human character after they pass the age of 100? When you start your character in your mid twenties, 75 years isn’t that much, just 17 OOC months.

    But how much of that time will you be actually spending on LoTC? I’d say not even 10%. So why does it have to be that way? Don’t you agree that LoTC should have a slower aging system?

  4. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: domnul_alister

    What timezone are you in?: GMT + 2:00 (Athens, Bucharest, Istanbul) Daylight Saving Time active

    How old are you?: 16

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, I am very well aware

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: The rule which mentions that you are in-character at all time; personally I agree to this rule because I am tired of such servers where you want to roleplay with people - you see they are there, but if you engage in an RP conversation or anything related to it, they'd say "I'm OOC" or something like that.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Not at all, I've fully read and understood each and every rule, agreeing upon them as well.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Referred to by a friend.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/a

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): No.





    What is roleplaying?: Personally, through roleplay I understand some sort of acting; acting out your character's life more precisely. Every roleplay requires a certain world to host a roleplay context (i.e. your Axios), and a roleplay context may vary based on world's geographical, historical or other types of lore which form the culture of characters roleplayed by "roleplayers" (of course).

    What is metagaming?: Through metagaming we understand (or at least I do) a form of gaining information for the interest and personal gain of your character. Of course such information might be gained, but not used precisely in character - or to influence your character's actions in the present or future. An example of metagaming would be calling out for help during a fight - a help that would actually come from the other side of the world somehow, without even knowing(IC) what or where the certain roleplay scenario is happening

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Powergaming is used to define an action that can not take place in a certain roleplay scenario, or would create an unfair gameplay for other roleplayers attending the scenario. Powergaming is most often seen at begginer roleplayers which EXECUTE actions on another roleplayer instead of ATTEMPTING to execute.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Evalien Ranegale

    Character’s sex: Female

    Character’s race: Human (Heartlander)

    Character’s age: 21


    Born in 1596 at a modest farm in the southern-eastern lands of Lorraine, Evalien Ranegale is the first child of Peyton and Lionet Ranegale - two simplistic farmers. She spent her early childhood mostly outside playing with her friends and / or siblings, living her life without worries. Her uncle would often take her with him on his hunting trips across the woodlands, encouraging her interest in such activities, and later on even teaching her what he'd know (skinning animals, gathering their tusks, antlers and other trophies)

    Later on, when she was nearing her teenagehood, her younger brother drowned in the farm's well - it wasn't quite the big loss to her, she was never too close with her family, she much more preferred wasting her time with other younglings, getting involved in some entourages she probably shouldn't. There were days when she came home drunk, and it highly displeased her parents, especially since she was just twelve years old.
    Life progressed, and with her teenagehood, the distance between her and her family grew further. She had acquired an unpleasant rebel spirit, and despite her parents grounding or punishing her, she'd keep on heading out with her group of friends and often spending nights out with them. This behavior of hers would later have her thrown out of her home and sent away.

    She managed to get herself a roof above her head, taking shelter in the north-eastern borders of the "unbridled" forests of Malin, acompanied by her best friend(Alisa), feeding themselves on what she could hunt or they'd find in the trees. Living close to the farms of Metz, they could easily retreat to the safety of the capital given that somehow the undead would manage their way to them. However, such unfortunate incidents did not happen, and when the portal to the Abyss was shut down -destroyed, any fear they carried was driven away. Unluckily enough, just a couple days after her twenty-first birthday, their little forest camp was attacked by a pack of wolves - the attack came at night, and they were unable to anticipate it - nor could they outrun the famished wolves; with the rusty old sword she carried, she managed to defend both her, and her friend, but the wolves still managed to get two hearty chomps at her friend. She'd got Alisa help in time to save her life, but the wounds later got infected and she died, a couple weeks after the incident. She left the encampment after her friend's death, rather afraid to live on her own - especially after what had happened; instead she chose to work for a couple of farmers in exchange for a spot in the barn and a warm meal.

    Personality Traits: Evalien is always optimistic, even when there's no chance - she doesn't like to give up easily. She's able to get out of most situations with the least sacrifice, or even none. Her intelligence isn't too high, she only knows the basics, which she learned from her uncle in her childhood. Her training as a teen made her more difficult to get drunk, and she is almost never seen drunk anymore (that doesn't mean she doesn't drink).

    Ambitions: Evalien aspires to increase her fighting skill and gather her own group of people she'd be able to lead.

    Strengths/Talents: Evalien knows the basics of hunting, skinning and taking animal trophies. Evalien learned the basics of wielding an one-handed sword in her childhood, though she doesn't know too much about fighting. Her social skill is rather decent, considering her backstory, and she'd not be shy - or stagger during a conversation.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Evalien is pretty arrogant and ignorant, and doesn't consider others' opinions unless it's something she agrees with. She is rather unfriendly to new acquaintances, but once they'd gain her trust, her loyalty and respect would increase progressively. Evalien isn't the one for the sweetness and love stuff, she much more prefers the straight up way of saying such things - and most of the times, she doesn't prefer any at all.

    Appearance: Evalien weighs about 64 kilograms, is about a meter and 73 tall, and bears the clothing she managed to buy throughout time from wandering merchants. However, for an in-depth detailing of her appearance; Evalien carried a rather decent look, with a set of bright brown eyes and a bright blonde hair, braided into a ponytail at the back. She wears a set of green clothing composed of a brown-ish sleeveless tunic, a tainted green leather jacket - padded with animal skin, a raven black cloak over her shoulders and upper back, and a pair of tattered, dark green linen trousers. Her footwear are a classic set of leather boots, and overall, she looks decent for a farmer's daughter.


    Skin: I cannot upload nor send a link to the screenshot. The skin is on right now, you are able to see it with a skin viewer if you wish.


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