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    Hargrutt Fuurberg
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  1. TheGreatLordChicken


    Hargrutt was the second son of Hungryyr Fuuberg (his father) and Gharza Berghak (his mother). His parents migrated to Arcas with the rest of the orcs following the fall of Axios, they had their first son, Traggur Fuuberg, during their short stay in the continent of Atlas. After the birth of Traggur, they made the unusual choice (for orcs) to become lifemates. During The War of the Two Emperors, Traggur was killed in battle, changing Hungryyr forever. After his son’s death, Hungryyr developed a hate to the other orcs, who he blamed for what happened, as he thought that the war was unnecessary. As the war progressed his hatred grew and he started to despise orc culture, viewing his people as cruel and uncivilised savages, culminating in his desire to renounce his origins and abandon the Rexdom of Krugmar. Hungryyr didn’t want to be hunted down as a whitewash, so instead of openly renouncing the Rexdom and leaving, he ran away with Gharza during a battle, making the orcs think that they died in combat. Gharza didn’t agree with her lifemate, but was powerless to stop him as she was pregnant with Hargrutt during this time, and was essentially kidnapped by Hungryyr. Hargrutt was born in the desert, on the outskirts of orcish civilization, being held captive with his mother by his father. Hungryyr didn’t want his son to have anything to do with the orcs, so he taught him that his people were warhungry monsters that used made up concepts of honor and bravery as excuses for violence and bloodshed. Gharza on the other hand taught him in secret about orc culture and the importance of honor. As his father was often phisically abusive, he grew more attached to his mother, and therefore he became fascinated with his own culture and Gharza’s values, although he never said so in front of his father. One day Hargrutt and Hungryyr were gathering food when they came across a pair of lost orc children. Afraid that he might have been found, Hungryyr killed the children. Horrified at his father’s actions, Hargrutt stood up to him for the first time, cursing his father for his lack of honor and weakness. Hearing his son’s talk about honor infuriated Hungryyr, as he deduced that Gharza was “poisoning his son’s mind”. Hungryyr knocked out Hargrutt and, dominated by his bloodlust, murdered Gharza. When Hargrutt woke up and returned home, he saw his house in ruins with his father beating the lifeless body of his mother. This was the first time Hargrutt was completely dominated by his bloodlust as he attacked Hurgryyr, father and son clashed in anger. When Hargrutt recovered his sanity, his father had disappear, leaving only a trail of blood that led to nowhere, fearing that his father may have survived, he spent the next four years searching for him. After four years of search, Hargrutt accepted his father had probably died from his injury, and gave up on his search. And so the 22 year old Orc headed to San'Strok, so that he could be a part of the society his mother one day described to him, and so that he could seek the wisdom of the Shammans to learn about true honor and how to control his bloodlust.
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