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Posts posted by Walterdog12

  1. As a totally new player that joined Monday, I think the guides and whatnot on here need a major revamp more than Monks need to change anything in-game yet. 


    The list of mods to install is outdated and you don’t find that out till after you’ve downloaded everything. 


    There’s really no explanation whatsoever about the economy or how it works and how it’s 100% player-ran besides voting, and that literally everything is reliant on RP and that there’s no rank system or anything like that that other RP towny/faction servers tend to have (this was the biggest hurdle since 99% of Minecraft RP servers have some sort of admin shops/ranks/towny). 


    There’s really no explanation whatsoever about any plugins the server has, nor is there really anything about locking/lockpicking which seems like a pretty vital thing to know as a new player since unlocked chests can be stolen from.



    There’s really no explanation on creating other persona’s, and how that’s handled if you have 2 or more characters. 


    There isn’t any explanation as to what you should actually do as a new player starting off, as the new player guide is just a more in-depth review of rules and breaking down what RP is and that (IMO) does absolutely nothing on what you should expect to do as a new player when you first join.


    Like as a new player, I have no idea wtf to do besides joining a Kingdom and then...? If the info is out there somewhere, it’s really hidden and not easy to find. 


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