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Posts posted by louislxix

  1. Petyr Baruch reflected on his first day in the field as Sergeant. Should I have dug into the ground and burst a pipe? Should I have fed herbs to Marus? Should I have drowned him in goat's milk to relieve him? 

    His shoulders rolled into a content shrug, "It was all in a good days work."

  2. Petyr Baruch initially nodded in agreement, but after a moment of further thought, he shook his head and set the letter aside.

    "A good idea in theory, but our people could take a five minute ride on horseback to the next city along instead, stock up on cheaper paper, and never have to buy from the crown again. It would likely end up with the Kingdom making a marginable profit. If anything, setting a minimum price would stop shops from undercutting us, and their peers. A better solution for all."


    Later on in the day, the Baruch Heir nailed a poster next to the Aviary, illustrating a figure hoarding all of the country's paper:

    𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝕸𝖆𝖓




    To those seated in the Royal Duma,


    Degeneracy has long been a plague in our Kingdom. Unfaithful, vile creatures have free reign to barge into our lands, alongside those undesirable, setting a horrible precedent in our city, and vassal holdings. Children are exposed to immodesty, such as individuals parading around the city in more skin than clothes. Then there is the case of savagery, such as Ologs clearing out our bustling streets as they hurtle into the city. They yell unintelligibly, their only reply being the locks of doors sliding, and a headache for our Brotherhood of Saint Karl. Our Kingdom is of Canon, not defiled beasts, so do not let these degenerates continue to batter our city’s principles, and faith.


    Lord Petyr Baruch





    A bill that defines the crime of degeneracy, and those considered degenerates.


    I. Necessary Definitions
    Ill-dressed: Immodest clothing, revealing excessive skin, up to the discretion of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl.
    Undesirable: An individual deemed degenerate by the Crown.


    II. Additions
    Ch. VIII. “Regarding degeneracy”
        VIII. I. Let those who are deemed undesirable by the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska be guilty of being a degenerate.
        VIII. II. Let those who are considered Orcs be considered undesirable.
        VIII. III. Let those who are considered Ologs be considered undesirable.
        VIII. IV. Let those who are considered Goblins be considered undesirable.
        VIII. V. Let those who are considered ill-dressed be considered undesirable.
        VII. VI. Let those who are considered degenerate be barred from the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.

    Introduced to the Duma by Lord Petyr Baruch in 529 E.S.

  4. Petyr Baruch bristled upon reading the letter in its entirety. Yet, rather than to let wroth consume him, the devout boy fell on both knees and held his hands in prayer. "I do nay pray for ye to be on my side, Godani, but for me to be on yours. If it is true, and ye would have me, guide us good canonists to banish these foul demons, for my faithful sister."

  5. Ailred Ruthern applauded from the seven-skies, his pride evident as he watched his relative wear the stitched breeches  - a feat that few MEN could achieve. "The last time I witnessed such cowardice was during the Siege of Southbridge, with soldiers bickering like lobsters in a boiling pot."

  6. 3 hours ago, Melpomenne said:

    "Gosh. . ." Whispered the Princess Astronomer, passing the missive over to her husband, Prince Nikolas of Haense. "You don't think this is because of that dinner, do you?"




    Nikolas examined the formal missive with a hint of suspicion in his eyes as he accepted it from his wife. The seasoned prince let out a sigh, his voice conveying a mixture of skepticism and contemplation, "I'd be inclined to believe that such weighty decisions are rarely influenced by isolated incidents. There's likely more to the story."

    Nonetheless, Nikolas couldn't help but ponder whether his recent clash with the Matriarch during that rather tense family dinner had played a role, particularly given the outcome of their duel. His brows furrowed slightly, a sign of his internal musings, as he considered the possibility of House Kortrevich nursing a grudge or seeking some form of payback. However, instead of fear, an almost eager gleam flickered in his gaze. If change was in the air and challenges were brewing, he wasn't one to shy away. The notion of confronting a potentially vengeful house only heightened his readiness for whatever might lie ahead.


    As his mind ventured back into history, he recalled a dispute from his youth, at the midst of night, many a year ago, where he stood victorious over a defeated Vladrick Kortrevich. Back then, Nikolas had worried that the wrath of a house might just befall him, leaving him hopeless in defense. But now he almost welcomed the thought, a glint of a smile touching his lips. For Nikolas, the prospect of a challenge and the intrigue of conflict were as alluring as ever, a fire that had only grown with time.

    — ✤ —



  7. Nikolas peered through a scope towards the dark night sky, its canvas adorned with a myriad of stars. He cross-referenced his wife's most recent publication: The Haeseni Zodiac. "A fine reformation, dear," he praised, his tone carrying a hint of genuine admiration. His gaze eventually shifted from the celestial expanse through the scope to settle upon Mischa. "You have truly outdone yourself," he continued, his smile both fond and intriguingly peculiar...

    ... Their shared warmth was momentarily suspended by a hacking cough into his sleeve, followed by a subtle wipe of the tip of his crooked nose.


  8. MC Name:



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  9. MC Name:



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    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    The art of Tawkin is a further alchemical feat dedicated to the specific modification of flesh and bodies. This is specifically a modification of the physical nature, enabling restricted molding and changing of existing shapes, mutation of the natures of the flesh, or even creation of entirely new bodies (homunculi and klones). There are limitations, specifically that primary natural structure of the natural body cannot be altered too heavily, (height, number of limbs etc.)



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Transmutation is the modification of existing bodies and flesh with Tawkin. It includes Moulding, Grafting and Mutations. Moulding is a process in which a person can alter the shape or appearance of their flesh using a substance called Moulder's Tincture. The substance makes the flesh malleable and numb, allowing the person to reshape it as desired. Larger amounts of the substance may be needed to reshape larger parts of the body, such as limbs. Moulding cannot exceed the natural needs and shapes of the base creature.
    Grafting is a process in which an alchemist can use a substance called Bogodan's Clay to replace or restore lost or damaged flesh or bone. The substance can be used to create false flesh to cover up physical deformities, and in its unrefined state it can be used to shape bone. This application cannot improve a creature beyond its relative natural limits, for example a human cannot gain a third limb. 
    Mutation is the process of altering the natural state of organic entities, such as humans or animals. This is a modification of a body to change its very nature, often times done with a benefit in mind: increased strength, heightened senses, etc. However, these mutations almost always come with a drawback and take quite a while to adapt to.

    Homunculi Creation:
    The creation of a Homunculi involves combining corpses and cadavers together using suture or alchemical solutions, and then exposing the resulting mixture to a solution made of fire, chaos, life, and connection. The Homunculi that is created from this process is described as being ravenous and vicious, and has been known to consume those who attempt to create it. The resulting creature additionally is a soulless part-human. They are restricted to the appearance and structure of natural races, and their capabilities generally are on par with the race they are modeled after with hindrances in other attributes. They are incapable of feeling emotion but do possess a fascination with the world they are brought into, seeking to learn and experience things of specifically alchemical nature.

    Reincarnation is the process of returning the soul to the world in a new form, using alchemy. It is believed that energy, or the spiritual essence of a person, is permanent and can be sustained through the process of reincarnation. The process involves two key ingredients: a vessel made of Bogodan's Clay, shaped like a crude fetus, and a mixture called the Vitae of Rebirth, which is thought to sustain life itself. The alchemist begins by treating a vase with a substance called connection and then placing the vessel inside. The vessel is then saturated with the Vitae of Rebirth, and placed in a vase filled with an alchemically-treated oil made of growth and life. This allows the vessel to grow at a much faster rate than a naturally-born person. The created pygmy is inherently not perfect and prone to a number of defects or mutations. Some of these are only minor whereas others are very serious detriments. It takes 6 OOC weeks in order for a pygmy to be a klone which may be inhabited, and upon the 4th week the mutation roll must be made. An alchemical concoction known as the Juliet Potion is also made under this section, and it is used specifically to separate the soul from the body, allowing it to transfer to the next klone. Willfully gaining the knowledge of reincarnation will set players on a clause in which they are forced to PK should they run out of klones.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Nikolas collected the various alchemical reagents he needed in order to create Moulder’s Tincture He began with three water signs, and proceeded to add four reduction, two balance, three purity, two peace, five grace, and three clarity. He reached for a long steel spoon, and steadily mixed them all together until they became bound together as a liquid.

    He continued by picking up a large, metal syringe in both hands, and used it to collect the liquid from the bottle he had mixed it in. Flicking the tip of it a single time to ensure it was ready, Nikolas turned to his subject and pressed the large needle point against the skin. The injection would be painful, and even following the needle’s removal a persistent feeling of being prodded by needles would remain on the injected limb.

    Nikolas tenderly started to work on the injected area, smoothing out the surface and aligning it to be as close to symmetrical with the opposing limb as possible. He remained wary and cautious through the process, knowing that if he were to act too quickly and make a mistake, it was liable to be a permanent deformation.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    “The keys to understanding flesh moulding are patience and precision. If you are too hasty in your creation you will damage it, sometimes irreparably. Of course, if you are too sluggish the flesh will set in and you will be unable to finish as well.” Nikolas explained to his students as he gathered the signs and symbols with which to make his potion. “In order to make the tincture, you must gather three water signs of any variety, four reduction, two balance, three purity, two peace, five grace, and three clarity.”

    He continued in mixing the potion together, beckoning his student over to observe. “Slowly mix them as you would any other potion, and prepare to apply it to your subject. You may do this by simply placing their limb in the vat of it, but I find it’s far more efficient to inject it directly.” Upon this mention he produced a large syringe and prepared it by collecting the potion within it.

    “Inject it steadily into the patient and give it a moment to take effect. The surface should feel different by the time it is ready to be moulded, and be as malleable as clay.” He explained as he painfully stuck the syringe into the example of the lesson. After some time the skin took the properties he had mentioned and he gently applied some force to demonstrate this to his student. “Now make the work that you must, but remember what I have told you. If you do this incorrectly, there will be dire consequences for who you are performing on.”



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    10 Worst Medieval Torture Devices | Planet Deadly



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  10. MC Name:



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    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Basic alchemy is understanding the principle that the world is made up of signs and symbols, and certain items can be harvested and separated into those pieces. Said pieces can then be recombined in varying recipes alongside other materials in order to create useful potions for a multitude of purposes. More complicated variations of alchemy also rely on the same idea of separating and recombining.

    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Alchemy has a massive range of variety because of how versatile the usage of signs and symbols is. This extends into several lore posts creating their own potions as well as entire separate feats of more complicated alchemy called Further Alchemy. All alchemy lore pieces that don’t require their own feat rely on the same basic principles of regular alchemy.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Nikolas laid out the piece of frost vine he was working with on a cutting board. He raised a knife in his right hand and chopped the herb into as small of pieces as possible. Next, he moved the minced herb into a mortar and vigorously crushed it into a fine paste. Nikolas then moved the paste into a bottle, and poured a portion of aqua vitae over it. He mixed them together, until the herb had been resaturated and combined. From there he placed the bottle over direct heat, and boiled it until the liquid had all evaporated and only a powder remained. Nikolas poured them onto a tray and carefully separated the symbols from each other.

    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Nikolas stood near a lab table, topped with various equipment, including distillers, alembics, and other alchemical tools. Alongside the collection, various herbs were laid out, and ready to use. Looking to his student Steve, he began, “Today we will be identifying the signs and symbols from various herbs, and then extracting them. These are all based on our previous lessons, on the signs themselves: Earth, Fire, Aether, Water, and Air.”


    The prince laid out an ocular device for his student to use during his teaching, alongside a desert berry bush laid atop a dish. Nikolas stood away, and asked his student, “This is a desert berry bush, identify the sign and symbols.”


    Steve moved to the dish and used the ocular device, pressing his eye against it. He cross referenced between his own knowledge of the material alphabet, and some of Nikolas’ notebook writings provided. This process went on for some time due to the student’s little expertise. Eventually, Steve replied with an answer, “The sign is of fire, and the symbols are courage, heat and burning…”


    Nikolas nodded, then gave a shake of his head, “It is courage, heat, and balance. At least you will know for next time.” After a pause, he continued, “We will now be extracting the symbols from the herb, so that they can be used to concoct if need be. Each sign has a different method of extraction that must be used, to gain the desired symbol. As the herb is of the fire sign, we will use the fire method.”


    “To extract symbols from the fire prefix, you must leave the herb to dry, or dehydrate completely. After, the reagent must be crushed, or cut, or shred, any means is fine, so long as it ends up similar to the texture of sawdust. Last, it must be set alight, until all that remains is ash. From there, we can use tools to remove the symbols.” 


    Nikolas dipped his chin, and asked, “I want you to extract the symbols from the herb.”


    Steve listened attentively to Nikolas as he explained. The pupil scribbled into a notebook so that it could be remembered and later used. Using a nearby furnace, he put the herbs within a bowl on top of it, so that they could dehydrate. Afterwards, going through the final steps of extracting the symbols, by shredding the reagent and burning it until ash was left. Steve used tweezers subsequently, meticulously taking the symbols from the remnant ash.


    “Good,” Nikolas said, giving a light clap. “I will use these for later. That will be all for now though. At our next lesson, I want you to think about the other methods of extraction and what they might entail, such as the Water Method.”


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Pin on The Wheel



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  11. MC Name:



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    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Further Alchemy: Automata Crafting; Animati


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  12. MC Name:



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    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Further Alchemy: Smoggers


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  13. MC Name:



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    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Further Alchemy: Tawkin


    Teacher's MC Name:



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    Issued by the

    Office of the Royal Treasury

    On this 3rd of MSITZA AND DARGUND of 448 E.S.






    For twenty-two years I have served His Majesty, Karl III, acting as his Royal Treasurer. Disregarding Krawns, our coffers have doubled and are fit to match the ambitions of our Country. It should be every man of this nation's duty to serve it well, to fulfill what little purpose there is to have. I hereby resign from the Office of the Royal Treasury, and propose that my Deputy Treasurer, Maric Colborn, take my place as the office’s head. May he find duty, or purpose in the office, and if not, may he find it elsewhere. My aging days are better suited serving His Majesty directly, within the Marian Retinue. Where I am better suited, wielding sword and shield, rather than pen and parchment.




    Ser Grigori Vyronov, Knight of the Marian Retinue

  15. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



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    Character's Race:

             Human (proud 'aenser)


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  16. The sleeping Nikolas sputtered out as Mischa forwarded a missive into his face, clashing with the bridge of his hooked nose. His eyes were bloodshot from the night before as he looked upon her face, disorientated.


    The makeshift pillow of a hearth’s firewood log roused a grunt of pain from him. Ponderously sitting up, he gave the hearsay a read, taking him retake after retake, due to the fog of his mind.


    “The writing is bitter as always,” is all he muttered.

    After, he found his makeshift log pillow on the kitchen floor and nodded back off to a peaceful sleep.

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