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Posts posted by Jessy

  1. Hello everyone! I'm finally returning after quite a long break! I left so abruptly I let a lot of people down! So here is to new beginnings and old friends! I'm going to be returning as Naomi Auclair. I know she had several story lines going on last time, I'm just popping in to see what's changed and who's still here. When I get a good feel of things I'll type of a short reason as to why Naomi disappeared. 

    1. NAME:

      1. NOBILITY (Y/N): No

      2. if not, GENTRY (Y/N): No

    2. AGE:

      1. DATE OF BIRTH (if known): 1628

      2. PLACE OF BIRTH (if known):~~~

    3. RACE:

      1. ETHNICITY (Highlander, Heartlander, etc. N/A if not applicable or unknown.): Heartlander


    5. PAST LABOR EXPERIENCE: Medical work, help built a hospital/clinic!



    MC name: RockenJess

    Skype:~~~~ Discord- It's me Jess!#3841

    Do you have Teamspeak? If not are you willing to get it?: I have a discord! I'd love to!

  2. Basic Information

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Nicknames: None



    Height: 5'5''

    Weight: 127 pounds.

    Body Type: Pear shaped

    Eyes: Bright Green

    Hair: Bright Red Hair

    Skin: Pale white

    Markings/Tattoos: None

    Health: Physically, and mentally fit.

    Personality: Caregiver, always the one caring for others. Naomi doesn't like talking about her own problems though she'll go to great lengths to help people even strangers. Though a young adult herself she has a motherly personality.


    Life Style

    Deity: (Aengul) Cerridwen

    Religion: Drudism

    Alliance/Nation/Home: None

    Job/Class: None

    Title(s): None

    Special Skill(s): Basic Medic! Growing up her mother was tasked with healing the sick and wounded, Naomi spent her childhood helping her mother and considers healing the sick, and easing the passing of the dying to be her duty.

    Flaw(s): She's what's known as a "Smother" she will mother people into insanity even strangers she's just met, helping them with issues, giving them hot meals and generally smothering them with worry and love.



  3. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: RockenJess

    What timezone are you in?: U.S. Mountain 

    How old are you?: 21

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes. 

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: 

    1. And remember, ignorance is no excuse. The use of “I didn’t know the rules” will not be accepted. If you don’t make yourself familiar with the rules, it’s your own fault if you break them. Especially since we have Forum Moderators and GMs happy to help when you don’t understand something.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Inter-species physical romantic and sexual relations in regards to animal-like creatures, (Kha, Hou-zi, or any other Animal based creature)m falls under rules concerning beastiality, and is there for prohibited. Alongside of this, any physically romantic or sexual relations with undead/dead creatures (Wights, Wraiths Liches etc) falls under rules concerning necrophilia. Husking is not an exception.   <- I understand no ERP thats easy enough but "physical romantic" does that mean hugging/kissing/holding hands? Why not just have a blanket ERP rule? I'm sorry I guess just confused.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: @overlord2305

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes I have.





    What is Roleplaying?: Creating a story by interacting with the environment and other people who all play parts that affect the ending. 

    What is Metagaming?: Using ooc knowledge to advance roleplay standing. 

    What is Power-emoting (Powergaming)?: When you give the other person no choice but to accept death/something bad happening. Because of your emote. 


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name:  Sasha Baine

    Character’s sex:  Female 

    Character’s race:  Human Highlander 

    Character’s age: 23

    Biography: Sasha was born in 1616 inside Adelburg, Her father was a stonemason and her mother was a mother by trade. Sasha grew up in a happy healthy family and picked up her fathers trade. Spending long hours with a chisel and hammer. When her father died peacefully of old age she crafted his grave stone by hand in the shape of a hammer and chisel. Her mother gave Sasha two more siblings an older brother and a younger sister. Growing up as the middle child Sasha always felt loved but overlooked sometimes. They where never rich but they never starved either they were a happy with what they had. Sasha's mother is still around though Sasha tends to not visit her because she keeps constantly reminding Sasha she hasn't married yet and her mother is always demanding grandchildren from her. During a particular rough night at the bar she and her best friend made a bet, After several rounds of ale Sasha found her self being branded by a smith leaving a black rose burn on her ribs. 

    Personality Traits: Sasha loves money, She isn't much of a fighter, kind of small in stature but her small hands allow her to chisel great works with stone. Is a bit moody as well. On her off days she can be a grouch. 

    Ambitions: Rich, Big stone house. 

    Strengths/Talents: Nothing as of yet but she wants to be good at Masonry 

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: She's not very strong. 

    Appearance: 5'3'', 115lbs, Icy blue eyes, Dark-brown hair normally tied back in a high pony tail OR a braid it's about shoulder length, She has a pear body (i.e. smaller chest, wider hips/thighs) Very white skin almost pale.

    Skin: Attached as (Sasha1)



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