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    Sid luther
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  1. Lets see how should this mans story be told...hmm... oh I got it now... I think. This story begins with Sid a Dark skinned male Human who just wanted to see the world, get rich, and make a lot of friends/allies. Sid was Born in the M'Baku Tribe where he spent most of his life dreaming of what he could be doing with his life. Sid trained himself to use a bow and arrow and how to use a dagger for self defense in case of bandit attacks and he tried to get over his fear of bugs and insects but it fails. Once he turned 22 he left his home and started his quest to go all over the world first starting with the realm of Atlas. He would get lost every now and again do to his poor memory thus finding himself in places he should not be in to begin with. But now of days he just makes art of each location he has been to such as Spring Hills, Kingdom of Marna, Forkwoods, etc to help him remember the places he has been to. other then that this is the end of this story only time will tell what he will do next.
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