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  1. MadScience


    Changed the pants and sneakers
  2. MadScience


    Henry was born in Ruriksgrad, he lived there for a long time. He was born in a poor family, his dad had to work day and night to support the family. Eventually, Henry decided that he would join the military so he could support his family. He trained day and night, trying to achieve his goal. His body was quite strong from all his training, but it wasn't enough to get to his goal. In his breaks of training, he would help out people in his neighborhood trying to get some extra cash from them. He kept trying at his goal, but he hasn't achieved it yet even now. Though he knows he could probably be strong enough for the military but he doesn't know why he can't join. So he decided that he will some how make the kingdom recognize him so he could join the military.
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