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Posts posted by Augraeth

  1. "This man no doubt supports the free sale of voidal items within the Port. I'd highly recommend voting for such a fellow, afterall, denizens of the Dominion do love their magic despite the minorities objections!" Antras would say to a select few, whilst sorting a number of goods in his shop.

  2. 4 hours ago, Aelsioln said:

    Considering the date not even gonna think this is real.


    Claiming an animal starved to death for a joke tho is kinda f-ed up man.


    You claimed an animal starved as a joke? What are you man, some kind of sick monster?!?!?!?!

    Seriously tho, it's not even that dark as dark humour goes, I've heard far worse. If that rustles your jimmies, I recommend staying indoors.


    Thought this was real for a few minutes, then remembered the date. Seems like you keep the position of treasurer, for now. 



  3. Antras's Theme Song: 




    An unscrupulous merchant who hides beneath a shield of politeness, considering himself a friend of any with minas or items to interest him. The phrase 'doesn't cost you to be nice' is apparent when dealing with this fellow. I believe this song to be relevant, with a theme which constantly stumbles over itself resembling an old mans walk.

  4. Antras's eyes flicker open. Out of breath he splutters, dazed and confused. His eyes seem out of focus, fogged over - as if this man was in a different place. He scans the surroundings, slowly regaining his senses: inside a leather tent, the wind whistling through the entrance, distant chattering of early morning elves can be heard from Linandria in the distance. Shaking his head, this elderly merchant seems to have gained some sense of clarity. Slowly rising out of his makeshift wooden bed he takes his pipe and a small pouch of pipeweed from a collection of neatly stacked belongings. Lighting the pipeweed Antras looks towards the forest in the far off distance. 


    "How interesting. Whether that dream was real or not, it leaves me something to ponder over. I'm no leader - and I'm certainly no paragon of nature."

    Three wispy smoke rings blown hover in the air in front of the man, before slowly losing their shape and form. Antras thinks for a moment, before shaking his head.

    "Bah! What am I saying, something to ponder over?" He lets out a condescending laugh "I have no plans to change my ways to seize a throne that came to me in a dream. Nor do I care for the ramblings of a decrepit old druid - whether its real or not, I doubt I'll ever see what happens. So why should I care?

    And just like that, Antras decides to put the matter to the back of his mind - leaving the memory alone, until, perhaps, one day, the need to remember arises. 

  5. Out-Of-Character Information:


    What’s your Minecraft account name?:  Augraeth

    What timezone are you in?: GMT+0

    How old are you?: 19

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You must be at least 13 to apply): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: "Use common sense. You are responsible for helping build a serious roleplay environment."

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): None in particular

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Looking on google for decent sized rp servers.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes




    What is Roleplaying?: Taking on a persona, or acting as a character different to your own. 

    What is Metagaming?: Knowledge of events which you don't/wouldn't know in character incorporated into roleplay.

    What is Power-emoting (Powergaming)?: Performing actions which your character is unable to, or taking actions on another's behalf. ("I charged forward with bat in hand, breaking the figure's right leg.") 


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Antras Dreyvon 

    Character’s sex: Male.

    Character’s race: Human (Highlander, Raevir)

    Character’s age: 74 years old.



    In the windswept region of Haense, a lone, hunched man can be found scrawling away on parchment after parchment. His brow creased and face grim, only the sound of the warlike elements battering and hammering against the walls of a makeshift leather tent, hide the incoherent stream of obscenities spluttered from this otherwise wizened, elderly figure. Antras Dreyvon, indeed, that is the name of the unfortunate character within this continuous tale, which I, dear reader, hope to expand upon in the following paragraphs. By all means, Antras is not a stupid man, he'd consider himself quite the opposite; but alas, it'd be quite a stretch in my eyes (which have certainly seen a few things) to think of Antras as a shining beacon of intelligence and what he'd call "genius". I once overheard a very apt, colourful description about his character, which went a little like this: 'The portly pr&* has his greedy lil' eyes so focused on money - he'd walk off a cliff if ya' so much as dangled a bleedin' coin in front of his face,' followed by what I remember as raucous laughter and a very indignant if not flustered Dreyvon.

    Dreyvon's tale is one of a classic 'rags to riches', with a darker beginning than most. He was born to a loving mother and father located on the outskirts of Markev. His home? A small farming village known only for their reasonable export of wool and mutton. As with most young boys and girls found across Atlas, Dreyvon dreamed of greater things in life - head of the druidic order, a top-ranking general in the army, a learned scholar unravelling the secrets of the world around him. I believe it's safe to say that none of this happened. With no money to move to the city or enrol in education, what occurred was farm work. A lot of farm work. Up until the age of 24, Antras was miserable, a series of harsh winters and lack of rain had forced many of the Dreyvon's friends and neighbours to evacuate their tight-knit community due to fears of food shortages and money troubles. His parents considered these people to be 'weak willed' and 'afraid of eating a little less than usual'. Dreyvon's opinion on this matter differed dramatically. Quite ironically, Dreyvon's parents never made it through the next winter dying of what they described as 'eating a little less than usual.' When the winter storms subsided, Antras was found in the basement of his house by a kindly trader living inside of a carved out sheep's carcass surviving on what seemed to be on an unknown meat. The bodies of Dreyvon's parents were never found. 


    The winter storm that killed Dreyvon's parents and nearly him in the process came as a blessing and a curse. The sheep that once grazed in the village were all found dead: the barn had collapsed. The barn itself was constructed against a moderately sized cliff-face which helped provide some protection from the stronger gusts of wind (as you must have picked it up - obviously, that wasn't enough to save the barn from its doomed fate). What was remarkable about this cliff face, was that during the storm the collapsed barn must have shielded some of the cliff, allowing the most delicate, blossoming vines to take root. As Dreyvon was hauled away in the kindly trader's cart he saw these entrenched plants and realised what they were: Elf's hair vine. Now, dear reader, two questions have most likely come to mind, the first being what is Elf's hair vine, and the second being how an unlearned farmer could recognise such a thing? I shall answer this briefly. Elf's hair vine is an extremely rare alchemical component which has the power to boost certain potions it's used on. How Antras recognised the vine? The village housed a small range of books ranging from polar fish, a guide to herbal healthcare as well as rare plants and their properties in the wild. Dreyvon was lucky enough to read the latter.  


    This leads us to the final paragraph of our story. Antras was taken by the trader to the city of Markev to be examined by a doctor, shortly after, he was discovered to have a severe case of food poisoning as well as what was perceived to be minor organ damage due to starvation. To this day, Antras has difficulties sustaining any activities which involve prolonged exercise as a result of his past injuries. Being the only resident who remained in the village, Antras quickly sold off the plot of land containing the Elf's hair vine to a prominent alchemist, making a huge sum of money in the process. Antras used this money to invest in his own (quite late) education before setting up what came to be a large merchant's guild on the outskirts of the city. Unfortunately for Antras, due to - shall we say... poor business decisions on his behalf, the guild started to lose money which lead to his own dismissal by those he once hired at the age of 73. Back to square 1 (although, with immediately more experience than before) Dreyvon returned to his once family home, which was nothing more than rotten timber and sunken stone in the snow. With predictions of another bitter winter around the corner, Dreyvon set up a leather tent facing towards an abandoned barren cliff-face and began writing and cursing at his antithetical life.   


    Personality Traits:




    Easily Irritable 

    Calm and collected in some of the most dire situations (as seen above).

    Dreyvon is a schemer, no doubt a result of previous dealings as a merchant.  

    Tenacious and greedy. 




    Has a tendency to start conversations which go nowhere.

    Tends to let others take charge and see where they go from there.




    Likes the sound of his own voice. 

    Prefers the finer things in life, such as a warm bed and clothes, with plenty of food to eat and plenty to drink.




    Hates war- "it's not good for trade, not one bit, and I'll be damned if I let some poncy soldier take away the things I like."

    Doesn't eat meat.




    With his life arguably having hit rock bottom, Antras just wants to climb his way back to the top. Whatever way he can. His overarching goal is to live a life of comfort, being known and respected throughout the world. 




    Resolute and hardy, being able to make the best out of the worst.





    Breathing problems (leading to issues with exercise)

    Not rushing to judgements or decisions too quickly, and taking time to let things sit.

    Greater self control (greed, etc)

    Slight limp


    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?) A man of medium stature (5'8), with a grey motley moustache and often to be found adorning a large fur coat. The man has no visible scars but walks with a slight limp on his left leg. The man's eyes are a dark brown and his hair a light grey. 


    Skin: InJiM0c.png

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