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  1. Igor is descended from the Babiarz line in Kralta. He was born on the outskirts of Adelburg to Andrey Babizar and his wife Matilda. He was educated by Ruskan Orthodox monks and learned how to read and speak properly. Though destined for a life of monasticism he broke from this in a shocking turn of events, running away from his father's farmstead to join an outfit of brigands. He ascended to become second-in-command before his men were ambushed by a patrol of Marnese guardsmen. He narrowly escaped the ambush and rushed into the woods alone. Finding himself on the run yet again he ended up joining up with the remainders of his people's, the Raevir. He sought to redeem himself in the eyes of God and become a simple farmer but that was not to last. He lost his farms as his countrymen fled to Atlas. Igor, desperate and lacking funds he found himself in the capital of Marna, Senntisten, homeless and poor.
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