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Everything posted by popthebobly1

  1. popthebobly1


    Brandis was born in the north on the way to kaz'ulrah the dwafin city. his father (Dean Vanner also a human) was a blacksmith who was looking for a help forging a new blade and his mother (Alice Alwinner a human) a circus owner and longtime friend of his father. that took the trip using the caravan of the circus as transportation. after the caravan was done performing at the city of kaz'ulrah, Alice told Dean he had to take care of there son... they decided it was best for him to stay with Dean as he apprenticed under Verdin ShortArmor (a mediocre blacksmith more worried about gold than his craft) Verdin was... not fond of Brandis. he saw the boy as a distraction to dean so he constantly sent him on airiness. whether it be to the market to get apples, or to the local bar to get his special brew hed send brandis out for no reason all the time. on one of these outing, brandis became entwined in an odd discussion between a female mage and a great swordsman. the conversation was on different magics and how that can help in everyday life. this lasted some time and soon verdin came looking for Brandis along with Dean. as they saw brandis talking to them they approached cautiously and tried to apologize to the mage and swordsmen for brandis annoying them. this was not the case and the mage explained to them how brandis was almost as knowledgeable as a few of her scribes. after questioning the boy he explained, "whenever I got free time I would go to the local library and read with the help of the librarian." this was a shock to the 2 men. and the swordsmen chimed in and said: "I may be a simple mercenary but she's right your boy is rather smart and by the looks of him he seems to be fairly well built for someone who studies so much." When the adventures left Verdin asked Brandis what he had been studying. "well mostly ice magic and lightning... nothing really has been happening when I try though..." said Brandis. Dean the explained some people need to not only work on there form and stance for magic but there mind as well. for many years brandis tried his hands at magic to no avail he also followed his father in the making of blades mostly swords and axes. but after a few years, the book smart brandis (now 24) realized something verdin was taking advantage of the 2. selling there waires a giving them barely any gold when confronted he realized he was exposed and explained why he was screwing them over. "you see for many years i acquired this fortune to do nothing but upgrade my shop but i realized something long ago when my last parents came.. if fools like you can make top quality blades by my instruction with such a crappy shop well then I can hold the rest of the gold for myself." this angered the men and they packed and left going to the town crier and the guards with the news. After slandering the dwarf and geting the guards to lock him up (in exchange for a few blades) the 2 left town and headed south on the way Dean passed of hypothermia on the mountainside. He left brandis with his sword and a few gold and told him to find his way in the world and told him of his mother who was said to be on the iles somewhere. Brandis the buried Dean and headed far south. Brandis has been doing odd jobs for the past few years preparing himself to find a magic teacher and even a new home. He's been living in a small encampment north of a small village he barely knows anything about he now hits the road to find his mother, get his shop and make a deal with a wizard to teach him magic.
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