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  1. NeonThunder


    Raised in a home in the sleetfells Ayre enjoyed his daily life hunting animals and spending time with his older brother Iefyr. One day they decided to go to the Druidic Order to increase their connection with nature due to spending so much time in the wild they wanted to know more. Upon arriving they saw many different races dwarves and humans, there they were taught the ways of nature. Soon after their training they decided to come home for a short time, but upon arriving they saw elves pillaging their home for they knew that was the home of 2 snow elf brothers. The two brothers stared from a distance and made their plans to reclaim their home. They shot the lamps on the outside of the house lighting the outside, which caused the house to start burning. The elves ran out and Ayre and Iefyr shot arrows wounding the two elves. They went up to the elves and asked why they were there. They said they were under orders to track them down and kill them. Ayre and Iefyr quickly ended their lives so the elves could not report back. Sadly in the process Ayre and Iefyr's home burnt down so they wandered for many years from place to place.
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