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Everything posted by SirFox

  1. SirFox


    it has been fixed boss
  2. SirFox


    As a child I grew up alone, it was hard, not having any food or people to care for me, so I began the life of a thief (i was 7 at the time). Everything was going smooth until i turned 9, I saw this man who looked unusual but pretty wealthy, so... I gave it my shot, I followed him into an ally where he used some sort of magic and trapped me. He kept me there for a what felt like an eternity, i was disapointed in myself for getting caught but the main issue was i hadn't eaten that day. As i was sitting there starving wondering if i was going to die by the hands of this "magic man", a piece of bread fell on my lap, I slowly looked up and saw that magic man and he said, "eat up i have some questions" so I did. When i was done eating i looked at him and said, "so... Why did you leave me here", he ignored me and said "why were you trying to rob me, your parents would be very disapointed in you?", I looked down and said "I... don't know my parents, since I can remember I have always been alone". The man looked down and apologized for asking me questions without know the consequences. I the looked up at him smiled and said "but don't worry though i have survived this long and i can survive longer", the man then smiled and released me. He then said "well good luck kid." When i was 10 I was practicing "magic" in the woods ,but my lack of knowledge made my attempts fail, Then I heard a noise coming from behind me and turned to see what it was a girl holding a sword as if she was scared, so I decide to show her I was there trying not to scare her, That sword looks sharp. I then show myself, looked at her and said "Hey, whats your name? My names Zane, Zane Cross", She replied "Hello My name is Evylen Fay", it took me a moment to realize that she was the princess of a neighboring village, I then say "So what is a princess doing here without any armor and guards", she then does this amazing acrobats to prove herself to me, it was amazing, but i cant let her know that, I then slow clap and say "Good job... for princess", she did not like that, she held up her sword and said "i may be a princess but i am still a warrior like my parents", so I used my quick thinking and flirty said "Come on now lower the sword cutie", it worked, she blushed and lowered her sword. I then walk up to her and raised her head and said "so, my beautiful flower, do you want to be friends?", She said "sure, why not.", She then asked, "do you have a home?" I then lowered my head and said "sadly no I do not have a home." I wont tell her about my master yet. She then grabbed my hand and said "i have a guest bedroom you can stay there", I smiled and said "sure." Her parents were standing there very intimidating like, her father then asked who i was and she replied "mom dad this is a boy i met while scared in the woods and he has nowhere to go." Her mom then laughed and said he was welcome to stay with us, I then smiled and said "thank you, you are very kind people." When it was turning night Evylen showed me where the room was and i said "thank you for all the nice things you and your family have done for me." She then left and went to her room and shut the door, I then snuck out to practice my magic, yet again another fail but i never gave up. It was starting to turn morning to I was heading back to the castle when I saw her in my room looking for me, so i looked around me and found some flowers so i plucked them and ran to the door, as she opened it I gave her the flowers, she graciously accepted them, she never found out. A couple of years have past, and I was 16, I finally worked up the nerve to ask her out and she said "YES." I then hugged her and said "for now on i will be your loyal knight and will do anything to keep you safe," Through the following year I have been getting secret training from her father, when the training came to an end a group of bandits attacked, we fought them off, but the village was hit very hard. So we decided to start a new instead of repairing the village. We decided to get a ship and sail across the ocean to discover a new world, when suddenly the ship hit a massive storm and was sent off course. Thankfully we had enough food to last for a while. It took around a year to find land.
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