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  1. EchoSolar


    As a youth, Jay lived in as a middle-class in the Kingdom of Santegia along the Cascadian Peninsula. His parents were sea merchants and often paid him no luxury, so he often set out on his own journeys; finding a joy for hunting and exploration. As he grew, Jay found wisdom under his practice and studies under the Church of Canon. As a student, he was taught under conservative curriculum. However, one day Jay became bored of the traditional style of teaching and sought to explore the world like he once had, but on a much larger scale. At the age of 15, he left his family to travel to Presa de Madera in effort to become a knight and became a squire. As a skilled hunter, he found it rather easy to pick up the ways of the sword. While his rash decisions were his downfall in political debate, his quick reactions enabled him to parry and strike with ease.
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