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  1. _Hare


    A revised and updated application in which I have amended to the problems addressed in a comment below my previous app.
  2. _Hare


    A young Cassea Diartis grew up with the steadfast knowledge of several things. The first; she and her life were most ordinary in many innate ways, and she would most likely grow up to be part of the woodland community, helping to further the populous she would one day grow up to serve. The second; she was the spawn of a mischievous rogue High Elf who, in his rebellion, fled to the predominantly Wood Elven city of Linandria, and lead a flighty romance with her mother, a down to "Earth" and intelligent figure hoping for something exciting to save her from an average existence. Thus, through their short lived relationship, Cassea was born with her mother still at a relatively young age. As a young child, Cassea was known as a very mischievous and trouble-making child, always excitable and very rarely behaved, although she proved to be intelligent multiple times with her tricks, often fooling some of the more knowledgeable adults. Her mother did not encourage this behavior, but as it reminded her of her wayward lover, let it continue. Cassea carried this behavior with her into her late teen and adolescence, and became known as one of the more peculiar citizens. She had boundless curiosity and pursued many passions, such as music, woodcarving, literature, and swordplay, rather becoming a jack of all trades than devote all of her attention to one subject and trade like many chose to do.Her external appearance did nothing to help that, as she sported brighter red hair than average and pale, freckled skin from her High Elven blood. Often she was teased by some of the more immature children, and this lead to a further need to mask insecurity with humor, leading to her inquisitive, bright, and smug personality she sports now. As she continued to grow, however, she decided she wanted more than life in the village. Bearing fresh tattoos, even further proof of her rebellion against an ordinary life, she decided she wished to adventure out into a greater world, towards more places of magic and intrigue that Linandria could not offer her. She set off on her quest, and is currently traveling throughout the region, attempting to find a teacher of magic apart from the Druidic Order, whose rules she finds far to strict for her own persona.
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