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Everything posted by Kim_SooYoung

  1. Kim_SooYoung


    Simon was born and raised in the Isle of Tahn in Axios, along with most of his friends. He was always adventurous and I guess you can still see it in him to this day. He was a bit different than most Elves, his hair is an ash brown and his eyes are a really dark blue, not to mention, his skin color is a little bit lighter than most of his friends and his parents. When he was around 10, he lost his mother and father to some unknown creature, forcing him to live out on his own in the middle of the woods. Though he hated the silence, Simon came to make friends with most of the woodland creatures, being raised by most of them. Wood elves are known to be in tune with nature, along with druids, so that fully explains how he was able to survive. When he turned 19, Simon found his home and was reunited with some of his old friends. One of his closest friends, Leela, welcomed him back with open arms and allowed him to live in the same house as her. Now, being really close, they are still together as friends in the same house.
  2. Kim_SooYoung


    Simon was born and raised in the Isle of Tahn in Axios, along with most of his friends. He was always adventurous and I guess you can still see it in him to this day. He was a bit different than most Elves, his hair is an ash brown and his eyes are a really dark blue, not to mention, his skin color is a little bit lighter than most of his friends and his parents. When he was around 10, he lost his mother and father to some unknown creature, forcing him to live out on his own in the middle of the woods. Though he hated the silence, Simon came to make friends with most of the woodland creatures, being raised by most of them. Wood elves are known to be in tune with nature, along with druids, so that fully explains how he was able to survive. When he turned 19, Simon found his home and was reunited with some of his old friends. One of his closest friends, Leela, welcomed him back with open arms and allowed him to live in the same house as her. Now, being really close, they are still together as friends in the same house.
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