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Everything posted by Magnolia

  1. Magnolia


    I had misunderstood what powergaming was, and had no idea that it was actually power-emoting!! I believe I have fixed it and I am waiting on your approval.
  2. Magnolia


    I have done what was required of me on the application and I am waiting to be reviewed again. I would really like to start playing!! Thank you.
  3. Magnolia


    Name meaning "wise elf maiden", Saeledhelwen was born low on the totem pole. Born to a poor elf family in The Loftywoods, she is a beautiful elf girl in her late teens, and is always seeking adventure. At sixteen she saw her family murdered by an overly-aggressive group of orcs, and has been wandering everywhere for the past two years. She is constantly covered in some sort of plant residue, and feels most at home in the forest, no matter what time of year. She is wise beyond her years and dreams of the day she could seek help for those much like her. She has big green eyes and long brown hair, and is relatively tall for her age.
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