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Everything posted by GeorgeHero

  1. GeorgeHero


    Aster Blaze, a halfling not very different from any other, lives the journey of life with all it has to offer like many do in this world. From a young age he loved venturing the world. He would always find something to do and was always smiling. He really liked his father. He would tell Aster stories of adventures of him living on his own fighting big monsters with with his friends, how one of his friends would assist them with his magic abilities, how a dwarf was the bravest of them all and many more stories that he held from his youth. Aster was very fascinated and one day " I wanna be just like you! " said to his father. Hearing that he let a small laugh, while patting him on the head. His father knew very well what awaited his son. Thinking that, a grin got over his face. Aster went to many journeys. He passed mountains, hills, rivers, all on his own. He would collect any rare item on his way and add it to his collection sack. One day he passsed the Whispering Crossroads and there he found something he had never seen before. It was the Cloud Temple of Axios. It was at that moment that he first thought of taking a break off of adventuring. Near the temple, there was a village called Dunshire. There lived people of his kind and after a long time, he started liking the atmosphere of being around more halflings. He stayed there for a month and decided to stay for some more time. Here is where the story of Aster Blaze unfolds...
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