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Everything posted by Flardryn

  1. Flardryn


    I have made the appropriate changes to the application when can it be approved? and do u have any advise on starting off in the game and do u have any advise on starting off in the game and I added more to the meta-game definition
  2. Flardryn


    Groonolim Ashhood is an descendent of the old dwarven lords. He served under under Thorin Grandaxe as one of his military advisors seeing many humans as less because he was in charge of many incarnations of the human nation eventually leaving everything behind to live a simple life away from all the waring factions. spends most of the time under ground looking for materials and stockpiling for hime self because he suffers the curse the dwarfs face. Having only allegiances to himself spending most of the time by himself but some of the time leaves the under ground in search for trade.
  3. Flardryn


    Groonolim Ashhood likes staying by himself and has been by himself all his life since his parents where killed. He has a very defancine mind set with his tunnels hwhere he spends most of his time focusing on mining. He is very friendly to others as long as they don't mess with him and keeps his word because he values his honor like many other dwarfs.
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