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About Xerocole

  • Birthday August 29

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  1. Xerocole


    Born in 1586 in Velaris, her father an Ivae'Fenn scout and her mother a fisherwoman, Kaelin found herself often rather alone growing up. Her father always away on deployment, and her mother very distant and cold to her. Things were always better when father was home, they'd head out into the wild where she would practise her archery (under his supervision of course), and he'd teach her how to track animals and how to forage and live off the land. Even in such a cold harsh environment, Kaelin always felt at home amongst the trees and snow. The city always made her nervous, she couldn't explain why as it was a very safe place, she just never felt at ease, or at home there. She 22 when her mother closed her self off from her, she'd always been distant and paid very little attention to Kaelin but eventually she just stopped speaking altogether, she wouldn't even look at her or acknowledge her. She would smile and speak when father was home, and immediately fall apart as soon as he left. It wasn't long before father didn't come home. A few weeks after he was due to come home, a package was delivered by two Ivae'Fenn Soldiers, containing 3 medals, his knife and his bow. Mother stopped eating. Kaelin continued to teach herself to shoot and hunt, mostly as a way to escape from that empty, silent home. When she was out in the wild, hunting and foraging, it felt like her father was with her again, it felt like she wasn't alone any more. So she hunted, every day, she made her own arrows, her own gear and she grew and huntedher own food. Now, she follows in her father's steps, a scout with the Ivae'Fenn, she spends her days alone in the wild like always, but now with a purpose.
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