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Everything posted by Truegamer72

  1. Truegamer72


    Robert was born in Sutica during late-Axios in 1638. His parents worked on the farms in Sutica trading with Norland, hoping Robert would follow in their footsteps. Though Robert desired something greater, something more prestigious. Robert was then cutoff from with his parents during the Axios/Atlas transition in 1642. He is a mercenary who does odd jobs and is currently living Haria.
  2. Truegamer72


    Has almost black eyes,weighs 180 pds., has dark brown hair,he has a hieght of 5'8, he is 18 years old,does not worship any religion but is not an atheist, he uses the modern time language instead of medieval.where about of where he was born is unknown, he also likes listening to different types of music, his physical attributes are that he is tall, with regular upper body strength.
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