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  1. Suto


    From the Western part of the world the Kingdom of Norland sat. A strong, Nordic like people who hold onto traditions and the openness to others to grow their population. The genocide of the Snow elves from our forefathers set down a long dark path that their sons and daughters must make amends for. A family though, found ways of using those that were killed for sacrifices. To empower them and to use them to commune with dark forces. Those people set out and arrived with the others on the Isle of Vailor. The war with the Dwarves serving the needs for sacrifices as they didn't approve of killing their own kind for such deeds. The war allowed many souls for their spells and communions and on the brink of one suck communion, the people of the kingdom found and killed them for their heresy. One boy managed to survive for his age and unknowingness and was forgiven but always looked down on for his family. Many years later that boy returned to find his home destroyed after traveling and discovered what had been buried long ago by those that killed his family. And with this the boy left with the secrets of his family, to Atlas, where he himself had a family of decedents to call his own, and to remake what was lost. Many years later, in the Modern time of this world, a boy, a son, was born and shown the powers of their ancient heritage and was given the job of continuing what their family had been doing, and to live the life all did. To serve and sacrifice, to commune and summon.
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