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  1. Germain was born into an unusually artistic household, the son of a former duelist and an actress, yet Germain held little interest in the arts. Instead he found his interests lied in the Church of the Canon, who held the position of a childhood hero from his perspective. Germain spent the majority of his childhood days either listening to the sermons delivered within the local church or reading through any books he could. Once he reached adulthood Germain left home in an attempt to join the priesthood, yet instead he found those who sought to twist the church's doctrine in order to benefit themselves. So angered by this blasphemy Germain that he sought to bring these corrupt priests to justice. After spending weeks gathering the necessary evidence he presented it to the highest authority he could find, and was promptly told that his evidence was not sufficient. Germain knew that his evidence was in fact sufficient, he had conducted immense research to find the correct amount of evidence needed. With this dismissal Germain realized that the church was rife with corruption, through and through. So Ludovic now seeks to purge the church of any and all corruption.
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