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Everything posted by The12Ranger

  1. The12Ranger


    Added some lore
  2. The12Ranger


    Zyron was born from a Highlander family of whom he does not remember, of the year 1642. All he remembers of them was that he lived in a small hut in the woods, and that they would tell him stories of a land called Axios. In those lands, they hunted for themselves. They would also say that they were subjects to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, a kingdom that was ruled mainly by Highlanders, and that they moved with them to Atlas after all of the bloodshed. When Zyron was three years of age, his hut was attacked by a small thirteen group of bandits roaming around the forest. Zyron's father was out hunting and killed six of the bandits with his hunting bow before dying himself. Zyron's mother hid him in a small canoe and made it sail off. When she led the bandits away from the river, they killed her and plundered the hut. Zyron's canoe landed near a small Highlander village, and was adopted by the huntsman named Marcus and his wife Annabelle the fisher-woman. Both of them taught Zyron how to hunt and fish, so that he could survive on his own. When Zyron reached the age of eight, he was tasked of killing a deer by himself and skinning it. He did so with minor disturbances, mainly the deer spotting him and running away. When Zyron came back with the deer, he saw that the village was ablaze by twenty bandits after being refused protection money. Zyron, dropping the deer, he quickly ran to his hut, and tried to help Annabelle, but she and Marcus told Zyron to leave. He did so through the back door, and hid beneath a bush. His hut was the last building standing from the village. When Zyron was crying, he tried to leave, but he felt a hand grabbing his collar bone. It was one of the bandits, and he still remembers his words. "Git up you! Dun't think you'll be runnin from us now, will yah?" he said, laughing at him. Zyron was now a prisoner of the bandits, which led him to get angered easily because of the amount of times that bandits hurt the ones he loved. This has been his life until he reached the age of fifth-teen, where he planned a three-year escape. When the bandits would leave for raiding and pillaging, Zyron was left with two bandits to look after him. These two bandits weren't very well liked by the other bandits, and the three became friends. The two bandits names were Zachary and Jackson. Zachary was taller than most Highlanders, and stronger. Jackson was the same height of Zyron, but was the weakest of the three. Zachary, although strong, was a bit slow at times, and Jackson had to dumb-down the sentences for him. One day, when Zyron was fifth-teen years, he gave them an idea to leave the others behind and start their own bandit group. There was a problem, however, Zyron was not eighteen years of age, so they had to wait until then. However, on the last day of his seventeenth year, the bandit chief announced that Zyron will be forced to join the bandits. So, after the announcement, they decided they had to leave that night. When Zachary and Jackson went up to Zyron at the middle of night and quickly untied him, the bandit chief awoke, went outside and saw what was happening, he yelled "Boys! Wake up! we have traitors." All the bandits, just waking up, quickly grabbed their axes and ran outside. Zachary grabbed his ax, Jackson took his shield and sword, and both yelled for Zyron to leave as quickly as possible. When Zyron ran sixteen feet, he heard iron slashing skin, furs, and all. But still he kept running. When he reached a calm river, he quickly ran through it. When he reached the other side, he heard voices calling out for him, saying they were alright. Zyron, however, decided to hide in a taller bush. The voices, still looking for him, started to fade away in the forest. Not wanting to stay, Zyron turned around, making sure no one was behind him, and bolted. When he reached the edge of the forest, he was free. However, he still doesn't know the fates of Zachary or Jackson, and was thought of turning back. But he decided against it, thinking that if they died, their deaths would be in vain. So, as the sun rise, so did the new eighteen year of age Zyron.
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