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Everything posted by Machita

  1. Machita


    From a young age Kyrok despised the world. Born from a dark elf and snow elf's forbidden love. Kyrok enjoyed his first few years living with his parents. Things were going well for the family. Kyrok's mom was a warrior and father a warlock who lived out in the woods. Kyrok's parents trained him and loved him in all ways they knew how. His mother making sure he could defend himself and his father preparing him to train in magic. Life was good for the young half-breed until one cold night. He and his mother were collecting wood for the construction of his new sibling that would be born soon. They then heard a drunken group of high elves passing by which started calling them slurs and unpleasant things. Kyrok fired back with some fierce words that then set off one of the elves to attack. Motherly instincts kicking in the mother slammed the assailant into the floor scurrying back with his friends vowing to get back at them and their family. Not thinking anything of it mother took Kyrok home. About three weeks later in Kyrok's house in the woods he decided one day to follow a deer who would always come around and eat from Kyrok's hands. This led to Kyrok following the deep into the woods to find a old looking temple with strange languages plastered all throughout the walls. Inside a corpse of a man sitting in a chair was sitting in a chair with a book. As Kyrok picked up the book and touched a page the corpse translated the words to common language and Kyrok became very intrigued by the language. Everyday for the next 5 years Kyrok would go back to the temple at night to have his the corpse teach him in a way all the language, unbeknownst to Kyrok he was unknowingly learning ancient elven. One day a passerby noticed Kyrok go into the woods and followed him to the temple. The passerby was the elf Kyrok badmouthed 5 years ago and now had a reason to act out his malicious acts. The elf waited for Kyrok to return home went and got guards from his city to arrest Kyrok and his family for studying a forbidden language. When Kyrok's parents caught wind of this it was too late instead of arresting them the guards just executed Kyrok's father when he tried to reason with them. Now in a furious rage Kyrok's mother ran with her son and hid him in a hollow stump in the woods and told him she would be taken and to find her one day. She led the guards to another part of the woods and that was the last Kyrok ever saw of his mother. Years later Kyrok has spent years lying, stealing, murdering, and deceiving until he can one day find the two people who matter to him. His mother and little sibling. After he does that he vows to find the group that killed his father and give them all a painful and excruciating death and he doesn't care who he has to go through to get it revenge will be his.
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