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Everything posted by svadil104

  1. svadil104


    Luna Luna is a snow elf, she's 18 years old (human years). She was born by an important male elf. Her mother died while giving birth to Luna. Luna is a very cold hearted person and dosent talk much. She ran away from her father when she was 15 (human years) and has been alone since then. Luna is a great fighter but she perfer using bow and arrow as weapon. She's never looking for a fight and rarely starts one, but she wil likley finish one. Luna is extremly beatuiful and every guy likes her. She's very down to earth, but likes adventure. You can often find her sitting in a tree reading a book, if your so lucky to spot her tho. She's never had any friend, or boyfriend for that matter and she never complains about it. She loves the cold waether and is like a vampire when it comes to being out in the sun. She likes the warmth sometimes, but tries to stay in the shadow. She had long plantanium blond hair reatching her to the butt and two silver eyes that could stare into your soul. She likley uses something light blue to represent snow elves. She's very healty and is always on the run. She dosent live a spasific place and usally sleeps in the trees.
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