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Everything posted by AustrianImperialist

  1. Hopefully thats a bit better. But let me know if it needs more refinement or anything! :D
  2. Well that was quick. Thank you. Yeah, I don't think I re read what I wrote for that. Let me edit it. "Power gaming is forcing actions or the results of actions upon another player. Usually unrealistic and prescribes the outcome without having them respond."
  3. Mikaila Iwerson, shortened to Mika Iwers, was born to a rather warm and lively family of traveling human peddlers, making their money by buying and selling goods from town to town at, hopefully, a profit. The youngest of the family, Mika was always sort of babied, and not left with too many responsibilities. He was his mother's favorite, and he always loved getting to go to town to 'help' his mother negotiate the prices, with the payment of a sweet almost every time. Although he learned a fair deal by watching his parents at their trade, and helped his brothers with their chores, he never really picked up on anything useful. He was usually left with simply cleaning the wagon and cleaning the horse as his only chore, and would spend the rest of the day sleeping, chasing small creatures, or playing by himself off in the woods somewhere. Mika was a lonely child, and could never really make too many friends. He had to move from town to town, and anyone he vaguely was acquainted with he would not see for months at a time, so there was no point. Instead, he found friendship with animals, plants, and bugs that he caught or dug up along the way. Particularly, a ferret he named 'Lucky'. The reason he named lucky such, was a contrivance of events that lead to the ferret nearly being skinned by a hunter, but Mika, feeling sorry for the poor little creature, threw a handful of coins at the hunter's face, before grabbing the creature and running off, never getting in trouble. He would nurse the thing back to health, and it became his companion for the last two years of his traveling with his parents. Also along his way to entertain himself, Mika collected himself a rather impressive collection of flowers he grew in glass bottles and cups he had collected along his way, and routinely took care of them as the centerpiece of his pride. He was rather flamboyant, and enjoyed taking scented baths, candles, and sewing all sorts of patterns into his sleeping mat and clothes. As you can guess, he became lazy. Although not to say at the task at hand. If you gave him something, and he wanted to do it, he'd get it done quickly and with pride. However, Mika never sought out additional work on most occasion, and only did so when he wanted some coin to buy a sweet or soap he saw inside a window. Eventually Mika's family woke up to this, and with a heavy heart left him and his ferret in a human village with a friend of his family to learn some ambition, becoming this friend (A baker) 's apprentice. Unfortunately for Mika however, his master (A rather older man) died suddenly three months after being dropped off. Unsure what to do, Mika started hiking. Traveling the roads for some sort of temporary work and place to stay, this often being in a hollow or under a great big tree. By the time we catch up to the present, Mika had wandered his way all the way up to Dominion, and the land of the Wood elves. As he wandered the fruitful countryside, indulging on it's sweet berries and cool streams, he seemed at ease, and felt more at home than any other land he had seen.
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