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  1. Hebrion


    Corrected my definition of Metagame. "When you use information outside of what is available in Roleplay to use it as an advantage."
  2. Hebrion


    Inat'hana was born around 1627, with a fairly average and yet small family of only her mother and father with her. The dominion has just begun to thrive and really pick up with elves and all sorts of creatures thriving in her home town, having to grow up there since a child. With war tension spreading throughout the dominion and other cities, they only had one choice to move out due to their home and small shop being raided constantly, and the amount of crimes committed. Her mother worried for her future, and the way she would live due to these things effecting the small family so much. Eventually they decided to live out by the dominion in a small home by a lake, as she was raised there for the rest of her teenage years. Her parents still own the home and stay there often, as Inat'hana is often out exploring, traveling often to Haense and Marna, visiting locals aswell. She loves to collect and sell things for mina, having to continue her dream as being finally alone in the wide world.
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