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Everything posted by GigglingFairies

  1. GigglingFairies

    xOutlaw Damage

    I am but a simple Cave Dwarf, I only wish to set up a mine and get resources for not only myself but to sell to other people as well. I have been been in this trade since i was a child, my parents has showed me the trade but sadly they have passed away. not its only I and my trusty pick axe to make a lifes work and living. my story began in Atlas just as any other would, my parents Kanos and Vlamir brought me to this land when i was but only 30 years old. New to the land I not know what comes forth. "Atlas is too big of a place to travel" says my mother, she knew i was wanting to travel the land. but my father had other plans. He says "Son, my father, and his father before his used this pick axe to start their own story, to make something of themselves, now i entrust you to this." *Vlad receives pickaxe* "Hes too young! he cant travel and go on his own!"-Mother "He is a Cave Dwarf and hes going to learn how the rest of us did!"-Father *Mother cries, knowing nothing can be done* "Now go out onto this land of Atlas and make something of yourself. My only son Vlad, make me proud" 170 years later I still stayed true to my fathers words, "I shall not let you down father!"
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