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  1. Silphly


    Silphy is a human girl that lives in the village of Hearthland for a very long time. When she was a child, she always was adventurous and really loves to learn about the new race's cultures. Her father was very supportive of what she loves to do. However, her mother was very traditional like and doesn't let Silphy go outside of the village of the region of Hearhland. There are times where Silphy will sneak out and walk around near the village to get a sense of what it's like to be outside of what Silphy thought as a cage. Her parents had died when they were traveling outside of the village to sell their goods so Silphy than, as a 8 year old, had more freedom to walk anywhere as she pleases. She doesn't really have a distention to go to but can stay at a place for awhile before going out to somewhere else again. As she no longer has an overprotective mother to be by her yelling and lecturing her about how horrible the outside world is. She was very sad about her parent's death but the fact that they died while traveling didn't stop her from getting away from the human village once in awhile to discover new things.
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