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Everything posted by Sigismund

  1. Sigismund


    He was born in the town of Westerlake in Hanseti-Ruska, ruled by the Baron family Woodreave, to a poor peasant family in 1629. They owned a farm, and his father peddled their farm goods. His mother was always staying on the farm and looking after the children. After a certain amount of time, he joined the local military force. Daniel III took interest in him, assigning him to look after his son Daniel IV. From that point on, he maintained himself as a military man and was very vigilant in his service to the Baron. In the Baron's service, Sigismund became especially devoted to Canonism, becoming a radical follower of it's beliefs. However, all was not as well as one may have thought, and a rival barony soon attacked Westerlake and it's inhabitants. Baron Daniel III was killed in the battle, and the crown fell to Daniel IV. The new baron fled the town with his troops and whoever would come with them. Sigismund was going by his family's farm and urged them to come, but they refused, claiming the need to stay with their home of many years and the land they had toiled on. Unfortunately, their stubbornness resulted in Sigismund's entire family farm being burnt to the ground, and his family slaughtered. Saddened by his family's passing, he continued to flee under the now fief-less Baron, looking for greener pastures. What is to come for Sigismund in this new life of his is uncertain, as he and his fellow refugees wander the countryside looking for a new land to call their own. While making this journey to seemingly nowhere, Sigismund began studying other forms of combat and a history of war, especially in the Hanseti-Ruska Kingdom. This has made him a quite noble fighter, although he is still outmatched by many others who are professionals. However, he is no longer a buffoon wielding a sword.
  2. Sigismund


    He was born in the town of Westerlake in Hanseti-Ruska, ruled by the Baron family Woodreave, to a poor peasant family in 1629. They owned a farm, and his father peddled their farm goods. His mother was always staying on the farm and looking after the children. After a certain amount of time, he joined the local military force. Daniel III took interest in him, assigning him to look after his son Daniel IV. From that point on, he maintained himself as a military man and was very vigilant in his service to the Baron. In the Baron's service, Sigismund became especially devoted to Canonism, becoming a radical follower of it's beliefs. However, all was not as well as one may have thought, and a rival barony soon attacked Westerlake and it's inhabitants. Baron Daniel III was killed in the battle, and the crown fell to Daniel IV. The new baron fled the town with his troops and whoever would come with them. Sigismund was going by his family's farm and urged them to come, but they refused, claiming the need to stay with their home of many years and the land they had toiled on. Unfortunately, their stubbornness resulted in Sigismund's entire family farm being burnt to the ground, and his family slaughtered. Saddened by his family's passing, he continued to flee under the now fief-less Baron, looking for greener pastures. What is to come for Sigismund in this new life of his is uncertain, as he and his fellow refugees wander the countryside looking for a new land to call their own. While making this journey to seemingly nowhere, Sigismund began studying other forms of combat and a history of war, especially in the Hanseti-Ruska Kingdom. This has made him a quite noble fighter, although he is still outmatched by many others who are professionals. However, he is no longer a buffoon wielding a sword.
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