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  1. superstina


    Hey! Just wondering if you saw my changes. No worries if not. Thanks!
  2. superstina


    Only 43 years of age, Amar Xirena is considered fairly young in comparison to her fellow wood elves. She was born to two well-known elves, her mother a wood elf and her father a high elf well practiced in elven magics, though she tragically never met her parents because she was separated from them at a young age. During her early years, she had some support from other elves of her native area in the capital city of Linandria, helping her to form ties with some kind individuals so as to avoid her disappearance into isolation. Despite the efforts of those of her village, Amra still naturally prefers a life more isolated due to her shy tendencies and therefore enjoys her days in her warm treehouse, built by her own hands. A snippet of her average daily life would entail a walk through her beloved forest - for which she would go to many lengths to protect - collecting things like flowers, spices, and vegetables. Additionally, it would include a good amount of time spent towards bettering her education through the use of books, many of which were gifts handed down to her by people from her village. At least once a week, she makes it a point to do her best to visit Linandria, whether it be simply to enjoy the company of others she adores or to pick up some resources from the marketplace. She stands at a height of five feet, fairly short for an elf, especially one with a parent who was a high elf, but not as unusual for a wood elf. Her slim figure is maintained by her constant need to move and her incurable curiosity that sparks many adventures.
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