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  1. Fatcakes


    Hailing from the jungle islands of Atlas, Amiin grew up in a simple hunter gatherer community far off in the depths of the jungle. This hunter gatherer community is where he spent his childhood, where his family and community raising him up into a proper tribesman. Amiin was always the adventurous type, leaving his group to go off and explore the land around, picking up good navigation skills, terrain memorization,and survival instincts. Amiin never really left his local group though and this is how it was until Amiin's early adulthood. When one poor day Amiin was out gathering food when he got ensnared in trap, propped up by farfolk slavers roaming the jungles at the time. The slavers quickly collected Amiin and shipped him off, away from his home and into slavery. There Amiin was bought and sold to many different communities, through these transactions is where Amiin learned to read and write and was converted to the Canonistic faith. Consuming knowledge from every master he had and reading almost every book he could get his hands on, Amiin developed himself into a very well educated man, often taking interest in magic, mathematics, and the sciences. This was Amiin's life till his mid-thirties, hopping between master to master. One day when Amiin was on the market he intrigued a certain noble, Daniel III of House Woodreave. All Probably due to his knowledge that the auctioneers didn't hesitate to over exemplify in his qualities when selling him. The noble took up the auctioneers and bough him, but privately talked to Amiin before the sale promising his freedom and the title of "Freedslave" in return for he his loyalty and aid to Daniel and his family. This is where Amiin spent the rest of his time, helping the noble Daniel III in the education of his son, Daniel IV and aiding Daniel III. As time went on Amiin eventually earned a spot as an official adviser to noble Daniel III. Here Amiin aided Daniel III in many decisions and events until Daniel III's death in the defense of his castle during a siege. When Daniel IV's father died Amiin lead Daniel IV and the remnants of his father's forces away as the castle fell. They all took refugee with crusaders and Daniel IV took his father's role; in exile, but continued with the advisory of Amiin as he heavily trusted his teacher and savior to help guide him.
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