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Linus Martin

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Everything posted by Linus Martin

  1. Thanks for the heads up! I put in Marna in randomly tbh, and nationality is subject to change once I get a better grasp of the Human Kingdoms. Glad you liked it tho^^
  2. Basic Information Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human (Heartlander) Height: 6"3 Weight: 180 lbs Body Type: Lean, well toned Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark brown Health: Sound Personality: Greedy, but ocasionally kind-hearted. He criticizes in others what he himself does, his hypocrisy deeply rooted in his good upbringing. Life Style Deity: God Religion: Church of the Canon Nation: Kingdom of Marna Job: Merchant Title(s): None Special Skill(s): Linus picked up a bit of swordplay from caravan guards in his long travels, but he is no master. Flaw(s): Ocasionally Linus finds the closest gutter and digs into a bottle. On these days he is barely functional and cant be expected to have meaningful conversation. Short Backstory Edit: Id very much aprreciate it if you veteran players out there could point out any faults in the lore you see.
  3. Linus Martin


    Oh, well I see. Thanks for the tip. Ill get to reading now, and Ill tie in some concrete locations in an hour or so. Edit: Ive managed to gather a few names, but most of the cities and castles on the wiki are places of great importance or great disasters, which wouldnt do since these were places Linus' father avoided on purpose. Ive colored out the changed places for your convenience. I know its little but I hope its passable if not satisfactory. @Riftblade Edit 2: I havent included anything about the transition from Axios to Atlas, so the default story goes for that until I get more comfortable with the lore and write a more complete story I guess.
  4. Linus Martin


    Life started as the son of a traveling peddler for Linus. His father was not one of the swindling, sordid thieves that stain the countryside in every human kingdom. No, he was a good, loving man who took pleasure in seeing new places and new company, though it was never for more than a few days. Despite all the hardship they went through Levin could never make his profit margin a priority, and occasionally there were days when they slept on an empty stomach on a bed of leaves. The places they visited were villages and small towns on the island of Tahn, most of which went months without seeing any sort of merchant so they were generally well received. Yet it wasnt enough for little Linus. A child needs very little to be happy; a family, a full belly and a home. Linus had half a family, increasingly common days of hunger and no place to call his home. There is a sense of safety, of contentment that one draws from familiarity, and lack of this calming feeling shaped Linus' temperament. Resisting his fathers best attempts at optimism, he grew up to be a surly lad. Early in his adolescence he started to take things into his own hands. His father wouldnt trade to profit, and Linus couldnt make him see the error of his ways. So he started trading on his own, secretly at first, and discovered a talent for talking that he never expected. With slight exaggerations and quick words he could sell for much greater profits than his father, yet it didnt take the man long to catch up to his sons activities. He had noticed some of his goods going missing every time they go into town, and he knew he didnt make nearly enough for them to have their pouches so full. So father confronted son and they started arguing on a regular basis. Whatever his father claimed, Linus knew they were finally living properly, with decent food in adequate quantity and their clothing at least presentable. Why should they have all the difficulty while the people they traded with sat in their warm homes hoarding their money? So they kept on traveling, Linus now with his own capital and seperate goods and Levin, constantly disapproving of his son. Nothing could have prepared Linus for his fathers death. In his life of chaos, Levin had been the only constant thing. The places, the people, the landscape were all passing, but Levin had always been there for him. Without his father for an anchor and a guide, Linus was utterly, completely lost. What a common but severe illness took from him in Ryrestead, he could never have again. His only pure, untainted emotion had been his love for his father, and without his saintly presence Linus went on to do the only thing he knew how; trade. He swept through the countryside like a plague, lying, cheating and thieving his way to a proper merchants license and his own caravan. He traveled once again across the land, yet only a few of the roads were familiar. This time around his quest would not unfold in backwater villages, but the grand cities of the Oren Empire. An accomplished merchant at the age of 28, a full 7 years after his fathers death, Linus is no longer the bitter child he was, but a witty and apparently easy-going young man with occasional fits of melancholy. ((Youve demanded at least one accurate reference. Ive read up a little on the wiki, but most of the information I could find was on a world called Axios and as far as I can understand that world is no longer the one were playing in. I havent mentioned any names or places because Im not sure if they are currently valid. I have a decent amount of experience with servers like this and I will eat up the lore faster than you think so I believe that shouldnt be a problem.))
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