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  1. Gonzilez


    Done, I think.
  2. Gonzilez


    Gonzel was born probably in Haense Kingdom, where people found him when he was just two years old. He has grown in remote orphanage place outskirts of realm. He was trained as a craftsman since he was able to use his hands knowingly. It is probably everything he can do, but he really likes his job. Gonzel has no friends or anyone who he can talk with or confess his problems – this is why he speaks only when he musts. He had been travelling a lot with his caregivers to different places, especially to bigger towns in Axios, to sell his and their goods. When he had heard about Kingdom's collapse, he was 18 years old and decided to leave orphanage to live with migrants and to help them in Kingdom's rebuild. When travelling, he met a man in uniform, whose name was Wulffrey. Wulffrey told Gonzel about Gorundyr, a culture of men of Northwood. They believe in few gods and their beliefs are very important to them. He decided he wants to be a part of their culture, but he needs to learn more about it, what takes a lot of time.
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