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  1. ninjaoflegos


    how do i delete this
  2. ninjaoflegos


    woo, finally i was starting to worry that no one would answer! :) im glad i got some more insight to use!
  3. ninjaoflegos


    Lukaron Stormdin had been on the seas since he was born. The family of Stormdin had left the Federation of Sutica because of a "lack of adventure". Lukaron was only 9 when he began swordfighting and became an agile warrior. Lukaron was given a dagger and a slingshot whenever he was young. Whenever he was 27 years of age, he was blessed with his Father's Longsword, as it had been elegantly crafted in the arts of swordmaking. On the same night, a band of pirates hijacked the ship and took Lukaron aboard. Lukaron was then beaten and tortured by the pirates, mocking Lukaron and spitting on him. After that he waited until all of the pirates had fell asleep and broke out of his cell. He looked for explosives and a boat, and of course, got his sword back. He then planned to create an explosion with the explosives and slow down the pirates chances of pursuing him. Sure enough, the plan had worked. However, the explosion knocked him out into his boat leaving him unconsious many days. Eventually a caravan of merchants found him and returned him to his family, after a threat by Lukaron. After a year had past, he decided to give up the pirates life and return to the mainland to begin a life of different adventure. He now is on mainland as a sword for hire and a want-to-be legend!
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