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  1. Kulton


    Updated can you tell me if thats fine
  2. Kulton


    Born in the Holy Orenian Empire, as a human, Kulton Pendragon has an interesting story, left on the doorstep of an man living deep in the forest with only a note saying his name, he took him in and raised him as his own, the man who was actually a mage practicing all types of magic had an easy time raising him. Since the man lived in the forest isolated from society he taught Kulton all he knew reading, writing, math, everything but as Kulton grew older he wondered a very intriguing thing why didn't the man teach him the thing he was best at magic, He never allowed Kulton into his magic study for some reason, and Kulton was never allowed to go downstairs. Kulton was fascinated with the void that powers all magic, but the man never once offer to teach Kulton and if Kulton asked he would say no and say it was too dangerous but Kulton would keep trying to learn magic, because of his fascination with it. One day while the man was out Kulton was itching to see what was downstairs and when he went to look he was surprised to see that the door was open he walked in to find dozens of undead creatures that would untamed and uncaged out and about and the man was in the middle of chanting, they say Kulton he try to attack him the man who Kulton adored so much was a practitioner of dark magic, The man told Kulton to run, but Kulton afraid closed his eyes and awaited death but the man stepped in and took the hit right to his heart and told Kulton with his dying breath I always loved you as a son. Kulton ran away from the House and never looked back(This is still a WIP :D)
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