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Everything posted by liquidfenixx

  1. liquidfenixx


    Smeagol was born the son of two orcs in the War Nation of Krugmar in Atlas. When the empire fell, Smeagol fled, leaving his parents behind. Now Smeagol wanders the deserts, searching around for his parents. When he realized his parents were no longer alive, Smeagol kept wandering around the desert with no cause at all. Every once in a while, he found a companion to travel and hunt with. But every 2 weeks, he would have to find another companion, since the one before was left in the desert for showing signs of weakness. Eventually, Smeagol gave up and just hunted around the desert, attempting to stay alive after so many losses. Now, Smeagol still aimlessly wanders around the desert, hoping he can find another great orc empire.
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