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Everything posted by Pfand97

  1. Pfand97


    Leon Harp was born within the hard constructed quartz walls of The Citadel of Acael but was removed from the by his own father before the age of 12 months. His father feared war and the persecution of snow elves within during the time and felt inadequate as a parent, due to the death of Leon's human (Heartlander) mother. Leon was given to an elder woman outside of the Citadel who traveled and helped deliver him to the great Kingdom of Marna. Leon was adopted by 2 working class parents, his adopted mother was a wood elf, while his adopted father was a native Heartlander. Due to complications, Leon's adopted mother couldn't naturally bare children and fell in love with the elf-human mixed child at first sight. Leon grew up and lived a normal life within the Kingdom of Marna. Leon was educated in his history, and science which he always enjoyed and excelled in. Leon was also taught hand to hand combat and fell in love with the physicality of it, along with hunting, and fishing. He is intrigued by magic. particularly elemental, and wishes to be taught, although he is uncertain of his magical potential. Leon hopes to discover his heritage and his families past he wants to explore all the great lands and unlock the mysteries of the world. He enjoys helping those he is surrounded by which is why he wishes to enlist in the Kingdom's military and help fight against the undead and any other evil creatures.
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