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Everything posted by TheBlackenedSoul

  1. Fang Blackclaw was born on a farm in the middle of a forest. He had a peaceful and happy childhood. Due to old age his parents died in their home on the farm. Seeking opportunity, he set out to learn of the world outside of the farmland he knew as home. He set out to learn of the unique cultures in the world and to see what they had to offer. He had only begun his travels when hardships were already upon him. He faced bandits, mercenaries, and starvation. One night while he was camping, he was ambushed by a group of bandits. They had scared his face and he had lost his ear in the mist of combat. He had lost most everything that had belonged to him. Now he just tries to survive each and every day. Upon on day, he came across the city of the Dominion. He saw this as an opportunity to regain control of his life.
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