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Everything posted by Slark

  1. Slark


    Arthur is a guy who was born in the late 1660 in a poor family at Hanseti. His father was a blacksmith who mostly cared about getting his son religious belief into Lucienism, well swords man and knows history. One day while his father was working on a sword, the young kid jumped on his feet to see what his father is doing. The father didn't notice that his son was watching and was moving a bucket of coal and moving it away from the house. A piece of hot coal jumped from the bucket while his father was swinging them from the bucket to the side of the house, hitting the kid's face giving him a scar from his chin to his nose. People around the town treated the young kid as someone different and started to step a side from him or even turn their faces when they see him passing near by them. The kid lived a tough life and his dream was to leave the town and try to find other people who may treat him better. The day was finally up for the young guy to travel with his father from Hanseti to other places as Belvitz. Traveling changed the young guy's personality and made him love his life more. Time passed until the boy turned to be a brave and strong swords man. In 1679, it was finally the time for the young guy and his father to move to Santegia and live in a near town to the capital Veldin Palace. The young guy is not young anymore and he is now training more to fight for justice and protect the poor people.
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