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  1. Huntermen32


    Eric Küche was raised by his farmer parents, his father serving as part of his village's militia. Life was simple, and Eric's father taught him how to tend the land, and how to hold his own in part of a militia group. Life was simple, everyday seemed a lot like the last, tending to the fields most of the day, and practicing with his father in his free time to protect their small village near the Kingdom of Santegia-Haria. One day, something wasnt quite right. While tending to the crops in outer lying fields, Eric heard a commotion in the village. While returning to check out what was going on, he saw smoke raise from some of the homes. Eric sprinted back to find that a band of bandits had begun to loot and raze the village. The militia has been corned into the village center and were being picked off by the bandit's archers. Eric's father noticed him and demanded that he flee. As Eric turned to flee, he was clubbed by a bandit and was knocked unconscious. A few hours later, Eric awoke, in an outer field, he looked to the village and saw only the skeletal remains of the homes, with smoke still rising. Fearing that the bandits were still around, Eric fled to the woods, leaving the only place he has ever known. Eric was now forced to find a new life.
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