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Everything posted by H4mburg3r

  1. Vladimir was born in 1638 in The Amber Cold to a loving family and spent his early childhood at a farmstead up north. His father was a blacksmith and made a meagre living off in the city. Life was rough in the north and food didn't find it's way on the table every day. His mother worked on the farm, feeding the animals, cultivating the land and taking care of his son while her husband worked in the city. One night Vladimir's father woke him up during the night and took him to the woods close to the farmstead. They walked and walked until the farmstead was out of sight. His father had told him that they were going to play hide and seek, Vladimir was the seeker and his father the hider. Vladimir counted down from sixty to zero as told and began searching for his father. Hours passed and Vladimir couldn't find his father anywhere. He sat down and began weeping. A group of mercenaries on an assignment had heard weeping from a nearby tree and found Vladimir there. They unofficially adopted him and raised him as a fearless fighter. A mercenary.
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