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  1. Brego Raed (meaning Lord Counsel in Rohirric) was born in 1636 to simple folk in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, his father being a blacksmith and his mother a hand maiden. As a boy he learned to craft and wield swords whilst helping his father in his workshop. They were poor people... but lucky compared to most in the region... who often went without food, shelter and means of protection. Brego's parents always wanted more for him, hence his namesake... so whenever the opportunity came along, they would purchase books from villagers and wayfarers journeying from the south, in order for him to widen his horizons... not knowing that the scope of their sons imagination was beyond their most vivid hopes and dreams. Brego read stories of underdog Knights conquering magnificent castles in the Holy Orenian Empire, tales of Wizards and Elves who knew of magic, but most of all... he enjoying taking in saga's involving the most in depth deceptions, cover-ups and conspiracies in the known Kingdoms. He would spend days and weeks reading and re-reading the intricate details of the intrigues of war, especially the assassination of Guy De Bar which led to the Fifth Holy Orenian Empire. The young tactician soon became thirsty for glory of his own, he wanted future generations to read of his victories, his master-plans... but Brego was also wise of the fact that the sparrow should never land where the lion roams, he was far from ready for leadership. Continuing to work with his father as a blacksmith throughout his teenage years, he developed a plan... a long term plan to establish himself as a trusted blacksmith to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, from which he could forge not only swords, but the opportunity to rub shoulders with those above his status and listen to the golden chirps of the lavish envoys from the south. Brego dreams of one day visiting The Grand Library of Dragur to further his knowledge of lore... and all things useful in war. Character Skills: General Labourer, Blacksmith, Hobbyist Writer, Aspiring Strategist OOC Skills: Building, Mining, Redstone
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