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  1. Callarson


    @MickMeist I edited it.
  2. Callarson


    Nathaniel half human and half dark elf (reasoning of why he has red eyes) was born into assassin family, during his young age he was taught that he could trust no one. Not even his own family, he was raised like this to ensure his survival. Because when you're raised in an assassin family, you never know what could happen. After all assassins aren't always liked. So when his father trained him he didn't hold back at all. That's why Nathaniel is mostly cold, he was taught to not show much emotion, because of the fact that it can give away your next attack. He was trained to be one of the biggest assassins to live but he still has a long way to go before ever becoming a well-known assassin. His religion is that of The Church of The Cannon, and was born in the Meranesian Islands. But when he was 16 years old he was walking around the island when he saw some smoke rising in the air where his family house was. He climbed up the house of a roof, and saw his house engulfed in flames, with some citizens surrounding the house. They finally found out his family was an assassin family, and they would most likely kill him if they found him. However he ran away tears in his eyes and got as far away from the island by stealing a boat. He ended up going to Judi, living there for two years keeping a low profile. He uses a herb called Flametongue root that he uses sometimes to burn his enemies.
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