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  1. Eilthana


    Eilthana grew up in Dominion and has seen nothing past its borders. She is still young, and while she has been happy for the last (almost) decade within her own lands, A curiosity that has been growing since she was small still stirs in her. Something particularly draws her to the ruined fortress, the Last Hope; thought she has only ever seen it drawn upon maps. She is not a follower of traditions nor is she particularly a breaker of rules, unless she finds them unjust. if placed in an alignment, it would have to be Chaotic Neutral. She lives for herself first, but still cares for her kin whom she loves. Her head is clear, and she has good morals, although she is particularly stubborn. She can see things from others perspectives, though does not always choose to do so. Eilthana, though unskilled in still many arts, holds a love for art such as paintings and drawings on maps. She has an ear for music and a soft voice that she rarely sings with. Her weapon of choice will always be a bow and arrow, she's quick and has good eyes that catch any movement. While she is skilled with a bow, swordsmanship still remains a struggle, as she cares not to learn the art. She prefers ranged weapons and dislikes close combat, and will avoid combat if she deems that the best course of action. While she is a good friend to have, She is still a young elf and still has a lot to learn and see and experience.
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