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Everything posted by dilloncw

  1. dilloncw


    Olaf grew up in San'Kala with no parents, and a rough life, as most Ologs do. But that didn't stop him, he has always been a fighter trying to work his way to the top. His parents were Oog, and Bakke, he never knew them, only heard stories of them from the older Ologs. Olaf always wanted to fight, so he found a Rex, Leydluk'Raduk and became loyal to him, he fought for him as the War nation of Krugmar rose from the ashes. Although Ologs can only be smart to some degree, Olaf was considered one of the smartest in his family, having the most success hunting, and the most impressive battle skills of his mother and father. Olaf hates all magic users, after being attacked by a dark magic user as a small Olog, he grew a fear for them, even if he could rip most of them apart.
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