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Everything posted by Londyn

  1. Londyn


    An example of metagaming would be someone telling other players or friends about something going on inside the game. For example, Faith telling someone that dark elves are raiding the town. An example of powergaming would be someone saying they stabbed someone in chat although they physically can't. For example, Faith: Cuts off Juliet's arm.
  2. Londyn


    When Faith was born, it was a grand celebration for her village. Although, on the night she was born, lightning had struck. She didn't receive powers, just hate from all who witnessed it. From then on, people believed she brought darkness with her, naming her the "Cursed Child." Faith grew up in a simple cottage with her mother, father, and little brother Romeo. On her sixth birthday, she received a bow from her mother, who later on taught her how to use it. Faith didn't know it at the time, but her mother wanted her to be able to protect herself from those who wanted to harm her. A few years later, Faith came home from hunting only to find her mother and little brother murdered. Terrified, she ran into the other room to retrieve her father for help. When she finally found him, he was drenched in blood. In defense, Faith raised her bow and shot him in the heart. Some who witnessed believed she had been planning on destroying the village, and demanded her to be sent to death. Faith pleaded, however, and told the village what had happened. Angered with what they thought were her lies, they banished her into the forest. She went on alone, trusting no one she meets. She rarely ever uses her bow, for she was traumatized by what had happened on that day. So, she spends her days running, and stealing from others.
  3. Londyn


    When Faith was born on a mountain, lightning struck, causing her to be named "The cursed elf". As she grew up, she soon realized the anger people felt for her. When she turned 6, her mother decided to teach her archery as a basic skill to get by. A few years later, tragedy struck, for her mother and little brother had been murdered. Being helpless, she asked her father for help, only to discover him drenched in her mother's blood. Faith was enraged, and shot her father straight in the heart. Some from her village didn't believe her story, and wanted to put her to death. The queen denied, and banished her into the forest. Throughout her life, she has learned who true friends are. Sadly, she hasnt met any yet. Now, she spends her days stealing to get by. But, she can't stay in one place for she cant be caught, or she will be sent to prison. So, she stays hidden from people. Faith only shoots to kill, for the loss of her family is too much for her to hunt.
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